Quest:The Nobottle Run

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The Nobottle Run
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Fredegar Bolger
Starts at Secret Hideout
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [24.2S, 80.7W]
Ends with Fredegar Bolger
Ends at Nobottle
End Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [27.7S, 78.7W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The Yonder-watch does not yet have enough supplies to deal with the presence of so many of Lotho's Bounders. How about you bring some supplies to Nobottle? Whatever you do, don't get caught by Lotho's Bounders!

'I will find you there later, once I have completed a few more of my preparations. My plan is still coming together, but when it does it will be something else... trust me!'


The Yonder-watch will need supplies if they are to put a stop to Lotho's foolish plans.

Objective 1

  • Collect the Yonder-watch supplies from the secret store-hole
  • Avoid Lotho's Bounders

Yonder-watch supplies can be found at the secret store-hole in the woods between Gamwich and Long Cleeve.

You should carry Yonder-watch supplies to Salga Greengrass in Nobottle.

Salga Greengrass says, "Thank you!"

Objective 2

Salga Greengrass can be found in Nobottle.

You should talk to Salga Greengrass in Nobottle.

Salga Greengrass: 'Thank you for these supplies. I confess that I was suspicious of Mr. Bolger when he arrived, but he has proven to be a good friend to the Yonder-watch.
'While I have you here, would you mind assisting me with an urgent matter? Some Man named Harry Goatleaf is lurking about near here. I was hoping you might confront him and send him on his way.'

Objective 3

Harry Goatleaf can be found near Nobottle in the Yondershire.

You should confront Harry Goatleaf.

Harry Goatleaf: 'You want to move along, stranger. Stand in my way and you'll be sorry!'
Harry Goatleaf says, "You'll regret standing in my way!"
Harry Goatleaf says, "You'll rue the day you interfered with us!"
You taught Harry Goatleaf a lesson... but will it stick?

Objective 4

Fredegar Bolger can be found in the village of Nobottle.

You should talk to Fredegar Bolger in Nobottle.

Fredegar Bolger: 'Harry Goatleaf? How many of these Men have come to Yondershire? Perhaps they are in league with Lotho after all. How can a hobbit, even one like Lotho, stoop to such lows as this? Still, it seems he has done just that, and now it's up to us to stop him and his cronies.
'I have cooked up something that should do just that!'