Quest:Bitter Bounds
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Level | 20 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Fredegar Bolger |
Starts at | Nobottle |
Start Region | The Yondershire |
Map Ref | [27.7S, 78.7W] |
Ends with | Fredegar Bolger |
Ends at | Secret Hideout |
End Region | The Yondershire |
Map Ref | [24.2S, 80.7W] |
Quest Group | Yondershire |
Quest Chain |
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'It is good that you came back when you did, because this matter has become more urgent. The Yonder-watch has informed me that the hobbit seeking to change the bounds has been spotted near Needlehole! He is a sour fellow named Lotho Sackville-Baggins. Do you know him? 'Let us find him and see if he will abandon this misguided campaign of his.' BackgroundFredegar Bolger plans to dispute the official marking of the bounds with Lotho Sackville-Baggins. Objective 1
Lotho Sackville-Baggins can be found in eastern Yondershire, outside of Needlehole. You should travel towards Needlehole with Fredegar Bolger.
Objective 2
Lotho Sackville-Baggins can be found in eastern Yondershire, outside of Needlehole. You should talk to Lotho Sackville-Baggins.
Objective 3
Fredegar Bolger can be found in eastern Yondershire, outside of Needlehole. You should talk to Fredegar Bolger.
Objective 4
A secret Yonder-watch store-house can be found in the woods between Gamwich and Long Cleeve. Fredegar Bolger has asked you to regroup at the secret Yonder-watch store-house.
Objective 5
A secret Yonder-watch store-house can be found in the woods between Gamwich and Long Cleeve. You should talk to Fredegar Bolger at the Yonder-watch store-house.