Quest:Instance: The Smell of Revolt

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Instance: The Smell of Revolt
Level 20
Type Solo
Starts with Fredegar Bolger
Starts at Nobottle
Start Region The Yondershire
Map Ref [27.7S, 78.7W]
Quest Group Yondershire
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Smell of Revolt
'Lotho's plans to change the Bounds in Yondershire must be stopped. Luckily, Fredegar Bolger has a plan of his own.'


Lotho's plans to change the Bounds in Yondershire must be stopped.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Fredegar

Talk to Fredegar.

Fredegar Bolger: 'You know the plan. You know what to do. There's nothing left to discuss.
'Ready, friend? It's now or never!'

Objective 2

Throw stink-bombs at Lotho's Bounders.

Fredegar Bolger says, "When you see Lotho's Bounders, let them have it!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "There they are!"
Lotho's Bounder says, "Ugh, disgusting!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Nice shot!"
Lotho's Bounder says, "Ugh, disgusting!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Lovely!"
Lotho's Bounder says, "How dare you! I'm going home!
Fredegar Bolger says, "Splendid throw!"
Lotho's Bounder says, "Ugh, disgusting!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Lovely!"
Lotho's Bounder says, "Ugh, disgusting!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Lovely!"
Lotho's Bounder says, "Oh, that horrid smell!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Splendid throw!"

Objective 3

  • Let events transpire

Let events transpire.

Fredegar Bolger says, "Lotho! If you are going to tell everyone what to do, there's no place for you here!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "You insolent greenhorn! I am trying to protect the Shire!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "To think you would want my help. Ha! You all act like a badger in the coney-warren around here!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Leave, Lotho! This is your last warning."
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "I can't hear you."
Fredegar Bolger says, "I said leave, Lotho!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "What? No, I really can't hear you with all this rustling in the bushes!"

Objective 4

  • Defeat the ruffians

Defeat the ruffians.

Fredegar Bolger says, "Oh no. Ruffians."
The ruffians attack!
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "Now what is the meaning of this?"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Give those ruffians what for!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "You are disrupting a perfectly reasonable conversation between two hobbits!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Ha! Splendid work!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "I do hope this is not a normal day in Yondershire!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "Nicely done!"
With the ruffians defeated, it is time to turn your attention to Lotho

Objective 5

  • Let events transpire

Let events transpire.

Fredegar Bolger says, "Now where were we?"
Fredegar Bolger says, "We do not need your protection. The Yonder-watch can take care of themselves!"
Fredegar Bolger says, "All right Bounders, let's give Lotho and his lackeys a proper Yondershire farewell!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins says, "Now wait just a moment."
Fredegar Bolger says, "Farewell!"
Lotho Sackville-Baggins shouts, "Get away from me! You both smell terrible!"
Harry Goatleaf shouts, "Ugh!"
Bill Ferny shouts, "Ugh!"

Fredegar Bolger: 'Ha, that will keep Lotho busy for a while!'