Category:Task Quests
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This category has the following 22 subcategories, out of 22 total.
Pages in category "Task Quests"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 309 total.
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- Quest:Cardolan Task: Blackened Furs
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Broken Hatchets
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Broken Wood Spears
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Coarse Skins
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Dim Dust
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Dusky Ears
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Glossy Essences
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Large Finger Bones
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Tough Carapaces
- Quest:Cardolan Task: Tough Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Eglain Task: Blackened Fur
- Quest:Eglain Task: Blackened Skin
- Quest:Eglain Task: Blackened Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Eglain Task: Broken Wooden Maces
- Quest:Eglain Task: Dusky Wings
- Quest:Elderslade Task: Blackened Claws
- Quest:Elderslade Task: Onyx Scales
- Quest:Elderslade Task: Savage Beaks
- Quest:Elderslade Task: Tufted Ears
- Quest:Elves of Felegoth Task: Bristled Fur
- Quest:Elves of Felegoth Task: Petrified Branch
- Quest:Eorlingas Task: Glittering Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Eorlingas Task: Ornate Ears
- Quest:Eorlingas Task: Rough Skins
- Quest:Eorlingas Task: Shattered Daggers
- Quest:Eorlingas Task: Tattered Furs
- Quest:Eorlingas Task: Thin Wings
- Quest:Galadhrim Task: Broken Metal Club
- Quest:Galadhrim Task: Gorgeous Ear
- Quest:Galadhrim Task: Gorgeous Fur
- Quest:Galadhrim Task: Gorgeous Sword Sheath
- Quest:Galadhrim Task: Nasty Skin
- Quest:Gorgoroth Task: Curious Goo
- Quest:Gorgoroth Task: Intriguing Filth
- Quest:Gorgoroth Task: Mysterious Ears
- Quest:Gorgoroth Task: Obsidian Scales
- Quest:Gorgoroth Task: Stony Skins
- Quest:The Great Alliance Task: Cracked Lances
- Quest:Guards Task: Barbed Claws
- Quest:Guards Task: Beautiful Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Guards Task: Charming Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Guards Task: Creepy Filth
- Quest:Guards Task: Creepy Skins
- Quest:Guards Task: Elegant Scales
- Quest:Guards Task: Elegant Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Guards Task: Nasty Filth
- Quest:Guards Task: Polished Scales
- Quest:Guards Task: Polished Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Guards Task: Raking Claws
- Quest:Guards Task: Spotted Skin
- Quest:Haban'akkâ of Thráin Task: Ancient Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Haban'akkâ of Thráin Task: Cracked Lances
- Quest:Haban'akkâ of Thráin Task: Night-touched Furs
- Quest:Haban'akkâ of Thráin Task: Sinister Wings
- Quest:Helmingas Task: Clipped Ears
- Quest:Helmingas Task: Clipped Wings
- Quest:Helmingas Task: Damaged Furs
- Quest:Helmingas Task: Pitted Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Helmingas Task: Shattered Hatchets
- Quest:Helmingas Task: Torn Skins
- Quest:Heroes of Limlight Task: Knotted Heartwood
- Quest:Heroes of Limlight Task: Thick Branches
- Quest:Host of the West Task: Bubbling Goo
- Quest:Host of the West Task: Burnt Ear
- Quest:Host of the West Task: Mouldy Skin
- Quest:Host of the West Task: Prismatic Carapaces
- Quest:Host of the West Task: Reeking Filth
- Quest:Host of the West Task: Worn Fur
- Quest:Malledhrim Task: Gorgeous Dust
- Quest:Malledhrim Task: Tapered Carapace
- Quest:Malledhrim Task: Vile Essence
- Quest:Malledhrim Task: Vile Filth
- Quest:Malledhrim Task: Vile Finger Bone
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Bent Claws
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Broken Daggers
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Broken Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Dirty Ears
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Dirty Filth
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Dirty Wings
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Light Carapaces
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Matted Fur
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Matted Skins
- Quest:Mathom Society Task: Squishy Goo
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Blackened Carapaces
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Blackened Filth
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Blackened Fur
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Blackened Skin
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Blackened Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Broken Hatchets
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Broken Wooden Maces
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Bulbous Goo
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Dusky Ears
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Dusky Wings
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Glistening Essences
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Glistening Filth
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Jagged Claws
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Mossy Carapaces
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Pitted Finger Bones
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Wet Fur
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Wet Skin
- Quest:Men of Bree Task: Worn Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Men of Dale Task: Deadly Claws
- Quest:Men of Dale Task: Spiny Carapaces
- Quest:Men of Dunland Task: Bent Metal Maces
- Quest:Men of Dunland Task: Metal Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Men of Dunland Task: Mucky Filth
- Quest:Men of Dunland Task: Spotted Ears
- Quest:Men of Dunland Task: Stretched Skins
- Quest:Minas Tirith Task: Clipped Ears
- Quest:Minas Tirith Task: Damaged Claws
- Quest:Minas Tirith Task: Pitted Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Minas Tirith Task: Shining Carapaces
- Quest:Minas Tirith Task: Thickened Goo
- Quest:Minas Tirith Task: Torn Skins
- Quest:Miners Task: Barbed Claws
- Quest:Miners Task: Beautiful Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Miners Task: Charming Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Miners Task: Creepy Filth
- Quest:Miners Task: Creepy Skin
- Quest:Miners Task: Creepy Skins
- Quest:Miners Task: Elegant Scales
- Quest:Miners Task: Elegant Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Miners Task: Nasty Filth
- Quest:Miners Task: Polished Scales
- Quest:Miners Task: Polished Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Miners Task: Raking Claws
- Quest:Miners Task: Spotted Skin
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Clipped Ears
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Clipped Wings
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Damaged Furs
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Pitted Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Shattered Hatchets
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Torn Skins
- Quest:Rangers of Ithilien Task: Toxic Filth
- Quest:Riders of Rohan Task: Burnt Ears
- Quest:Riders of Rohan Task: Elven Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Riders of Rohan Task: Mouldy Skins
- Quest:Riders of Rohan Task: Shattered Spears
- Quest:Riders of Rohan Task: Worn Furs
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Blotchy Skins
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Decorative Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Fading Essences
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Glassy Carapaces
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Marked Furs
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Piles of Sparkling Dust
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Prismatic Scales
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Speckled Ears
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Sticky Goo
- Quest:Riders of Stangard Task: Thick Tails
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Blunt Branches
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Broken Daggers
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Broken Hatchets
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Broken Sword Sheaths
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Dirty Scales
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Light Carapaces
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Matted Furs
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Small Wings
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Squishy Goos
- Quest:Swanfleet Task: Torn Furs
- Quest:Task: Albino Fur
- Quest:Task: Albino Skin
- Quest:Task: Armoured Carapaces
- Quest:Task: Bent Wings
- Quest:Task: Black Heartwood
- Quest:Task: Blotchy Skins
- Quest:Task: Bright Dust
- Quest:Task: Broken Great Swords
- Quest:Task: Broken Halberds
- Quest:Task: Broken Long Bows
- Quest:Task: Broken Longswords
- Quest:Task: Broken Short Bows
- Quest:Task: Broken Wood Spears
- Quest:Task: Broken Wooden Clubs
- Quest:Task: Broken Wooden Spears
- Quest:Task: Bumpy Scales
- Quest:Task: Clean Tails
- Quest:Task: Coarse Fur
- Quest:Task: Coarse Skin
- Quest:Task: Contorted Ears