Quest:Stolen Mementos

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Stolen Mementos
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Okhtâr
Starts at Dâr Laja
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [18.7S, 97.5W]
Ends with Rashâm
Ends at Kheb Hanût
End Region Tâkhdar
Map Ref [113.2S, 142.1W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Tâkhdar, the Cellars
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'One would think my noble title as patriarch of House Ghôlkhas would grant me speedy audience with the Kindred, but it appears I was mistaken. Would you consider my request instead?

'A suit of my predecessor's ceremonial armour was pilfered from the family mausoleum. My servants have heard tell of a shameless group of brigands known as the Denjâri boasting of such a piece somewhere in Tâkhdar.

'If you investigate these claims, you would have my gratitude and patronage.'


The patriarch of the Ghôlkhas noble family has asked you to retrieve a set of armour stolen from his family during the days of the Heirs of Castimir.

Objective 1

  • Search the bandit camp for the Ghôlkhas patriarch's armour

Bandits tend to lurk in north-west Tâkhdar. Okhtâr Ghôlkhas, head of a prominent family, has asked you to retrieve heirloom armour a group of bandits called the Denjâri stole from the family tomb. He has asked you to retrieve it.

Okhtâr: 'My servants have all said the Denjâri bandits, and many others, spend their days in Takhdâr. I do not ask my servants how they know such things, as their history is more interesting as a mystery. It helps me keep my sense of adventure without dirtying my silk clothing!'
'Steely-eyed brigands leap to defend their encampment

Objective 2

  • Denjâri bandits defeated (0/8)

Defeat Denjâri bandits.

Okhtâr: 'The Denjâri bandits did not frighten you away, did they? I cannot blame you if they did; I myself would be terrified! Ha! But this is why I will be paying you so well, no? Please return to me with news of my armour!'
Denjâri bandits defeated (8/8)

Objective 3

Rashâm can be found in the black market of Kheb Hanût. A letter from the Denjâri bandits' leader says she has sold the Ghôlkhas's stolen armour to a black market fence named Rashâm.

Rashâm should be here somewhere

Objective 4

  • Speak with Rashâm

Speak with Rashâm.

Rashâm: 'I hope you are here to buy, stranger. I have more sundry than I care to offload at present.
'Zulkhêma of the Denjâri? Did she sell me a peculiar set of armour, you ask? I might know that name, and I might even know the armour. I have recently come into possession of a great many pieces of treasure. I hardly know what to do with them all; I may have paid more than their worth.'