Quest:So Shall We Cleanse

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So Shall We Cleanse
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Jâbex
Starts at Tilmakhím
Start Region Tâkhdar
Map Ref [115.7S, 141.1W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Tâkhdar, the Cellars
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I beg you not to look so suspiciously at me; I require your discretion and aid. I have built a life for myself here in Umbar, and I do not wish it disturbed.

'As a foolish youth, I was lured here from Gondor by a cult you might recognize as the cult of the All-Seeing Eye. I have since renounced their ways, but I live in terror they may one day learn I yet live, and use the horrors of a terrible artifact to punish me for my betrayal.

'The members of the cult skulk about Tâkhdar and should not be difficult to encounter, but the artifact must still be hidden in a coffer on the eastern side. I have no right to ask such a favour of you, but please, would you find a way to retrieve the artifact for me so I may rest easy?'


Jâbex, a former cultist of the All-Seeing Eye, has asked you to search for a mysterious artifact the cult is using to threaten his peaceful life as a free man.

Objective 1

  • Defeat cultists in Tâkhdar (0/3)

Defeat cultists guarding the mysterious artifact throughout Tâkhdar, the Cellars of Umbar.

Jâbex: 'Have you encountered difficulties in defeating my former brethren? Many such members of the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye yet remain throughout the cellars -- or in the local dialect, the Tâkhdar.'
Cultists defeated (3/3)

Objective 2

Jâbex's artifact lies within the cultists' coffer at their camp somewhere near the centre of Tâkhdar.

The artifact emits an unpleasant aura, like it is somehow aware of your every breath

Objective 3

  • Return to Jâbex with news of the artifact

Jâbex can be found in the cross-roads of Umbar-môkh. Jâbex will doubtlessly be relieved to have the artifact back in his possession.

Jâbex: 'You return? With my artifact, I assume! ...Might I see it? To be certain you discovered the correct one?
'Yes.... It looks... just as I remember. Did it always radiate such power?'
Jâbex takes ahold of himself and snaps to attention.
'You must destroy it yourself. I cannot be trusted to handle it. I thought at first to submerge it in the fountain in the courtyard here, to negate its corruption, but with you here... would you do me this last kindness?'

Objective 4

  • Submerge the artifact in the courtyard fountain

The fountain can be found in the cross-roads on the western side of Tâkhdar. Jâbex has asked you to negate the artifact's power and end its hold on him by submerging it in a fountain inside the cross-roads courtyard.

Jâbex: 'The artifact still must be drowned to negate its foul powers. The fountain in this courtyard ahead of me would be my choice to submerge it. I would do so myself, but I fear the artifact's hold over me.'
This must be the fountain Jâbex mentioned

Objective 5

  • The artifact must soak for some time

Douse the artifact in water, ensuring its curious mechanisms are thoroughly cleansed of all power.

'The artifact sparks, fizzles, and dies with a sound like an apple being cored

Objective 6

  • Jâbex is waiting by in the cross-roads of Tâkhdar

Jâbex is waiting in the south-western side of Tâkhdar, at the cross-roads. Jâbex will be pleased to learn he is finally free of the artifact's hold.

Jâbex: 'You return successful, then? You have done away with it? Just like that? Strange.... My mind feels clearer, but I have a lingering sense of disquiet. Like I am afraid of missing out on some grand design....
'It is naught but old excuses and nightmares of my past, I know. Nothing a hearty bowl of rice cannot cure, as my wife always says. Thank you for your assistance, friend. Now, your reward!'