Quest:Pest Control

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Pest Control
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Hármelak, the Golden Queen
Starts at Dâr Laja
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [18.7S, 97.5W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Tâkhdar, the Cellars
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I greet you, <name>. Your travels have taken you to Tilmakhím in the depths of Takhdâr, so I hear. My sources have cautioned me that pests troubling Umbar-môkh are not under control. It is my understanding you are aware of this matter as well.

'I am told the traps are ensnaring my people, not pests. I ask you to take note of where these traps might be laid, and return to me with clear information regarding their locations.'


Tilmakhím is to the south of Tâkhdar.

Hármelak has asked you to discover where some traps for pests have been laid in Tilmakhím.

Objective 1

  • Search for pest traps along the northern walls of Khabârkhad

Tilmakhím is to the south of Tâkhdar, but you know the traps are set along the northern walls of Khabârkhad. Journey there to search for pest traps.

Hármelak, the Golden Queen: 'I have heard you have been to Tilmakhím. Why have you not yet removed the pest's traps?'
Not long ago, traps for rats were placed here

Objective 2

  • Locate and remove traps (0/4)

Traps for rats can be found along the northern walls of Khabârkhad. Identify and remove the pest traps.

Pest trap deactivated (4/4)

Objective 3

  • Return to Hármelak

Hármelak is in Dâr Laja. You have found and removed the traps Hârmelak has said failed to capture pests and are a danger to her people. She will want to hear the good news.

Hármelak, the Golden Queen: 'You have found all the traps, then? My people are safer for your actions; we thank you. I may have further use for your loyalty, and equal reward.'