The Last Great Stronghold
"Théoden's company parted from Gandalf upon the road and retreated to Helm's Deep. What news could have reached them that turned them from their path?"
After a lengthy discussion about the crisis in the Westfold, Éomer recounts a troubling encounter upon the road that changed the king's course.
Objective 1
Théoden and his company are at the head of the line of horsemen in the Westfold.
You should observe this memory of Éomer's by approaching Théoden.
- Éomer's memory describes Théoden's encounter with a man the company met on the road....
Objective 2
- Listen to Ceorl's address to the company
Ceorl had much to say of the events at the Fords of Isen.
You should listen to Ceorl's address to the company.
- Ceorl says, "Does Éomer ride with you?"
- Ceorl says, "At last you come, but too late. Alas! You bring too little strength."
- Ceorl says, "All has gone evilly since Théodred fell. Yesterday we lost the Isen, and many good men with it."
Objective 3
- Hear what Céorl has to say
Ceorl had much to say of the events at the Fords of Isen.
You should listen to Ceorl's address to the company.
- Ceorl: Éomer's memory of the man's troubling words continues....
- 'At night fresh forces of the enemy came over the river against our encampment. All Isengard must be empty now, and Saruman has armed the hill-men and herd-folk of Dunland, and these he also loosed on us.
- 'We were overpowered. The shield-wall is broken. Erkenbrand has drawn off those men he could gather, but the rest are scattered. We know nothing of Erkenbrand, or Grimbold, or Elfhelm!'
Objective 4
- Listen to Ceorl and the King
Ceorl had much to say of the events at the Fords of Isen.
You should listen to Ceorl's address to the company.
- Ceorl says, "Please, where is Éomer?"
- Ceorl says, "Tell him that no hope lies ahead."
- Ceorl says, "He should turn back to Edoras, before the warriors of Isengard come there."
- King Théoden says, "Come, Ceorl, and stand before me! I am here."
- King Théoden says, "The last host of Eorlingas rides forth, and it shall not return without battle."
- Ceorl says, "Command me, my king!"
- Ceorl says, "And pray pardon me! I thought --"
- King Théoden says, "You thought I remained in Meduseld, hunched like an old tree beneath winter snow."
- King Théoden says, "So it was when you went to war. But a wind from the west has shaken the boughs...."
- King Théoden says, "Come, Ceorl, and despair no longer! Let us ride to Erkenbrand's aid!"
- Gandalf says, "No, Théoden! You must ride at once to Helm's Deep!"
- Gandalf says, "Do not go to the Fords of Isen, and tarry not on the plain!"
- Gandalf says, "I must leave -- Shadowfax must bear me on a swift errand."
- Gandalf says, "Aragorn, Éomer: Keep well the Lord of the Mark, until I return."
- Gandalf says, "Wait for me at Helm's Gate! Farewell!"
- Guard says, "What could that mean?"
- Háma says, "I suspect it means that Gandalf Grayhame has need of haste. Ever he comes and goes unlooked-for."
- Guard says, "If Wormtongue were here, he would not find it hard to explain."
- Háma says, "I suppose that is true...but for myself, I shall wait until we see Gandalf again."
- Guard says, "Perhaps you will wait long...."
- Éomer: Éomer's tale is done. You should now return your thoughts to the men gathered at Helm's Gate, waiting for Gandalf and hoping that Erkenbrand will return soon.