Quest:Foreword: The Troubles of Rivendell

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Foreword: The Troubles of Rivendell
Level 37
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn or Heithur Ironfist
Starts at The Guest Rooms or Barachen's Camp
Start Region Rivendell
Map Ref [30.7S, 6.2W]
Ends with Elrond
Ends at Elrond's Library
End Region Rivendell
Map Ref [29.6S, 3.3W]
Quest Group Vol. I. Book 4
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'[non-High Elf: Welcome to Rivendell, where you will find the Last Homely House east of the Sea, <name>. The road to Imladris is not as forgiving as once it was, and I commend you for your efforts.] [ High Elf: I understand you have returned to Rivendell, where you spent so much time recovering from wounds suffered long ago! For you this truly must be the Last Homely House east of the Sea, <name>.]

'I hope the waters of the Ford have calmed since our passage; we left them in turmoil. I fear the cause of these troubles is not yet concluded.

'[non-High Elf: Lord Elrond is the master of this house; he should be given news of your arrival] [High Elf: Lord Elrond should be given news of your return]. You will find him in his library on the upper floor of the Last Homely House, to the northeast.'


Aragorn has asked that you speak with Elrond concerning a matter of gravest import for Rivendell.

Objective 1

Elrond waits in the library on the upper floor of his house.

Aragorn asked that you present yourself to Elrond, the master of the Last Homely House.

Elrond: '[non-High Elf: The path you took to my doorstep has been perilous, <name>, and its dangers all too common in these dark days. If you will consent to lend us your aid, it will not be the least of your challenges.]'
Elrond: '[High Elf: The path you took to my doorstep is perilous, <name>, though not more perilous than the road that brought you here at the end of the Second Age!
'Danger is all too common even in these later days. If you will consent to lend us your aid once more, it will not be the least of your challenges.]'