Quest:Chapter 10: The Hornburg

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Chapter 10: The Hornburg
Level 95
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn
Starts at Helm's Deep
Start Region Helm's Deep (before-dawn)
Map Ref [68.9N, 32.7W]
Ends with Thurketel
Ends at Helm's Deep
End Region Helm's Deep (sunrise)
Map Ref [68.9N, 18.8W]
Quest Chain Vol. III. Book 13
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Our options are exhausted, as are the defenders. I do not know how much longer we can hold the fortress, <name>. We must fall back into the Hornburg and defend it for as long as we can! We must fall back to the keep!'

There are two ways to participate in the defence of the Hornburg. You can speak to Cenric for the Storied Tale, a story-focused experience. Or you can use the Epic Battles Panel for a more gameplay-intensive experience.

To participate in the defence of the Hornburg, open the Epic Battles Panel and select 'The Hornburg' from the menu. After you successfully complete the defence, you will be returned to the location from which you entered it.


The long night wears on and Saruman's forces show no sign of relenting.

Objective 1

In the hours before dawn, the forces of Saruman press their advantage.

There are two ways to participate in the defence of the Hornburg. You can speak to Cenric for the Storied Tale, a story-focused experience. Or you can use the Epic Battles Panel for a more gameplay-intensive experience.

To participate in the defence of the Hornburg, open the Epic Battles Panel and select 'The Hornburg' from the menu. After you successfully complete the defence, you will be returned to the location from which you entered it.

Cenric: 'My friend, you still live! I have sustained a number of injuries, and my shield was cloven in two, but still I stand strong for Rohan!
'What is that? You encountered my dear wife Ardith and my daughter Léofa? They are still in good health, safe within the caves? You have eased my worries <name>! I thank you for that, but there is no time to rest. We must defend the Hornburg!'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gléowine by the map table near the western wall of the Hornburg

In the hours before dawn, the forces of Saruman press their advantage.

Gléowine is on the first level, west of the Hornburg.

Aragorn: 'Find Gléowine, and see what you can do for him. We cannot last much longer, and he is no warrior. He needs someone to protect him.'
Gléowine: 'It is the end, my friend. Do you hear that sound? Théoden King makes his final stand within the Hornburg. I must go to join him. I belong at his side. Pick up the banner where it lies against the wall and come with me! If we must die, let us die with honour!'
Interacting with the leaning banner near Gléowine will allow time to pass. Action will resume with the dawning of the day.

Objective 3

  • Pick up the banner against the western wall, and time will pass

Day has dawned, and with it comes new hope for Rohan.

Gléowine has hurried off to hear what has happened, but Thurketel is nearby and his face speaks volumes.

Gléowine is gone, but Thurketel excitedly takes the banner from you

Objective 4

Day has dawned, and with it comes new hope for Rohan.

Thurketel is by the map table west of the Hornburg.

Thurketel: 'My friend! Come quickly! Do you hear that sound? It is the sound of celebration! The battle is won!'