Quest:Chapter 6: Atop the Wall

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Chapter 6: Atop the Wall
Level 95
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn
Starts at Deeping Wall
Start Region EB-Helm's Deep
Map Ref [68.9N, 46.4W]
Ends with Éomer
Ends at Helm's Deep
End Region EB-Helm's Deep
Map Ref [69.2N, 47.3W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 13
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We need to set the forces of Saruman back on their heels, <name>. Descend to the open space between the wall and the Hornburg, and speak with any swordsmen you see. Tell them to meet me by the postern gate. I wish to lead them on a sortie against the Orcs!'


Aragorn has decided to lead a sortie through the postern gate in the Deeping Wall, in order to strike against the forces of Saruman.

Objective 1

  • Find swordsmen and tell them to meet Aragorn at the postern gate (0/4)

It is after midnight at Helm's Deep. Rohirric Swordsmen can be found in the open space between the Hornburg and the Deeping Wall.

Aragorn has asked you to gather swordsmen to accompany him on a sortie beyond the wall.

Aragorn: 'Find swordsmen willing to accompany me on a sortie against the Orcs. Tell them to meet me at the postern gate, if they are able and ready!'
Rohirrim Swordsman says, "I am ready!"
Rohirrim Swordsman says, "I am ready to fight!"
Rohirrim Swordsman says, "The postern gate, you say? I am ready!"
Rohirrim Swordsman says, "I am ready to fight!"

Objective 2

  • Talk to Aragorn by the postern gate below the north-west tower

It is after midnight at Helm's Deep. Aragorn and Éomer are by the postern gate, below the north-west tower.

You have given word to several swordsmen that Aragorn plans a sortie through the postern gate, and should see if that be enough.

Éomer: 'I will go with Aragorn! This is the hour! We will teach the enemy a lesson in steel!'
Aragorn: 'These swordsmen will accompany me, <name>, and Éomer has pledged his sword as well! But I wish for you to return to Legolas atop the wall and watch our sortie from above! There will be fighting enough for all of us, I do not doubt it!'
"Éomer!" Aragorn cries, "This is the hour in which we draw swords together!"
Éomer says, "Gúthwinë is with you!"

Objective 3

  • Talk to Legolas atop the Deeping Wall

It is after midnight at Helm's Deep. Legolas is atop the Deeping Wall, accessible from ground-level by the eastern staircase.

Aragorn has sent you to watch over the battle alongside Legolas.

Éomer: 'Return to Legolas and assist him with the defence of the Deeping Wall! We will strike a blow against the Orcs from the postern gate, and may it prove a worthy distraction!'
Legolas: 'You have returned just in time, my friend! They prepare another assault!'
There are two ways to participate in the defence of the Deeping Wall. You can speak to Thurketel for the Storied Tale, a story-focused experience. Or you can use the Epic Battles Panel for a more gameplay-intensive experience.
To participate in the defence of the Deeping Wall, open the Epic Battles Panel and select 'The Deeping Wall' from the menu. After you successfully complete the defence, you will be returned to the location from which you entered it.

Objective 4

It is after midnight at Helm's Deep.

There are two ways to participate in the defence of the Deeping Wall. You can speak to Thurketel for the Storied Tale, a story-focused experience. Or you can use the Epic Battles Panel for a more gameplay-intensive experience.
To participate in the defence of the Deeping Wall, open the Epic Battles Panel and select 'The Deeping Wall' from the menu. After you successfully complete the defence, you will be returned to the location from which you entered it.
Thurketel: 'The Orcs are bringing up great ladders with which to scale the Deeping Wall! Prepare for battle!'

Objective 5

  • Talk to Éomer by the postern gate

Éomer is below the north-west tower, by the postern gate.

You have survived an attack on the Deeping Wall, and should see how Éomer and Aragorn fared in their sortie.

Gimli: 'Éomer is fortunate I was there!'
Éomer: 'We felt the blast from here, <name>. I am glad you survived.
'Our own sortie did not go well. The causeway is hard-pressed, and the hinges and bars of the main gates have greatly suffered. We scattered a number of Orcs who carried rams, and the archers supporting them, but our victory was short-lived. As we attempted to return, I was tripped by Orcs lying in ambush, and it nearly spelled my end.'