Quest:Chapter 9: Glittering Caves
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Level | 95 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Gimli |
Starts at | The Glittering Caves |
Start Region | The Glittering Caves |
Map Ref | [73.1S, 142.6W] |
Ends with | Aragorn |
Ends at | Helm's Deep |
End Region | Helm's Deep (before-dawn) |
Map Ref | [68.9N, 32.7W] |
Quest Group | Vol. III. Book 13 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: Volume III, Book 12
Vol. III. Book 13: The Battle of the Hornburg
Next: Volume III, Book 14
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'The battle will soon be upon us! We must protect the folk that shelter here, or I will bring shame upon my name, that of my father, and that of my King. The Orcs and the wild-men have no place defiling this magnificent cavern, <name>. Let us cast them out and send them howling back to their Wizard master!' There are two ways to participate in the defence of the Glittering Caves. You can speak to Éomer for the Storied Tale, a story-focused experience. Or you can use the Epic Battles Panel for a more gameplay-intensive experience. To participate in the defence of the Glittering Caves, open the Epic Battles Panel and select 'Glittering Caves' from the menu. After you successfully complete the defence, you will be returned to the location from which you entered it. BackgroundThe battle has come to the Glittering Caves, and the people of Rohan that shelter there must be protected! Objective 1
In the hours before dawn, the forces of Saruman press their advantage. There are two ways to participate in the defence of the Glittering Caves. You can speak to Éomer for the Storied Tale, a story-focused experience. Or you can use the Epic Battles Panel for a more gameplay-intensive experience. To participate in the defence of the Glittering Caves, open the Epic Battles Panel and select 'Glittering Caves' from the menu. After you successfully complete the defence, you will be returned to the location from which you entered it.
Objective 2
In the hours before dawn, the forces of Saruman press their advantage. Gimli is in the Glittering Caves, and wishes to speak with you after pushing back the latest assault.
Objective 3
In the hours before dawn, the forces of Saruman press their advantage. Aragorn is on the second level, outside the Hornburg, and Gimli wants you to report to him of the dwarf's successes.