Quest:Anglach: Fragments of the Past

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Anglach: Fragments of the Past
Level 107
Type Solo
Starts with Last Alliance Artifact
Starts at Anglach
Start Region Udûn
Ends with Barathon
Ends at Udûn Foothold
End Region Udûn
Quest Group Mordor: Udûn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

For whatever strange reason, small fragments of the things wrought in the age of the Last Alliance can be found within Anglach. Surely these would be of value to the Men of Gondor.


For whatever strange reason, small fragments of the things wrought in the age of the Last Alliance can be found within Anglach.

Objective 1

  • Collect artefacts of the Last Alliance (0/10)

You should gather artefacts of the Last Alliance within Anglach in Udûn.

LAST ALLIANCE ARTEFACT "Some fragment of Elven or Gondorian make from the War of the Last Alliance. It seems it was deliberately encased in filth."

Objective 2

  • Bring the artefacts to the Foothold

You should bring the artefacts you gathered in Anglach to the Foothold Camp in Udûn.

Barathon: 'And what are these?'
Barathon's eyes go wide.
'No lore-master am I, and yet, I know these to be works of old, and works of Good; whether Gondor or Elf-made is beyond my ken. I thank you for trusting these to me. I swear I will see them sent back to Minas Tirith and set in the scholars' hands.'