Quest:A Violent Slice of Winter

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A Violent Slice of Winter
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Northern Ice-spires
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.8S, 63.4W]
Ends with Auto-complete
Ends at Northern Ice-spires
End Region Wildermore
Map Ref [37.8S, 63.4W]
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have come upon a great spire of ice and snow, and the chill in this spot cuts to your very bones. Uneasiness settles in as you stand in this place blinded by snow.

You should look to the north, south, east, and west of this site for any signs of what you've encountered here.


You have discovered a strange spire of ice and snow near the edge of the Isingmere, as if a terrible storm lingered in this one small spot.

Objective 1

  • Go to the north of the spire and look for signs
  • Go to the east of the spire and look for signs
  • Go to the south of the spire and look for signs
  • Go to the west of the spire and look for signs'

The snow will be less blinding to the north, south, east, and west of this ice-spire near the Isingmere lake in the south-east Whithsaws.

You should start by walking north and look for signs of what caused this strange structure to appear on the plains.

NOTE: This quest requires emotes.

This place is clutched in the grips of a particularly violent lingering winter
This is a good spot to look northward
The waters of the Isingmere are clear, and you see no sign of any artifact
This is a good spot to look eastward
Wherever Núrzum has decided to go, he has left Forlaw alone... for now
This is a good spot to look southward
Wolves from distant lands now prowl the frozen plains to the south
This is a good spot to look westward
Núrzum's footprints lead away to the north-west, deeper into the Whitshaws, towards Dunfast

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have looked all around the ice spire for signs of what might have made it appear, and spied Núrzum's footprints heading westward.

While it is clear that Núrzum left this strange mark upon the land, you saw no sign of any artifact or relic.