Quest:The Fishermen: Meat for a Cold Journey's End

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The Fishermen: Meat for a Cold Journey's End
Level 85
Type Solo
Starts with Morcar
Starts at Fishermen's Camp
Start Region Wildermore
Map Ref [35.5S, 63.7W]
Ends with Morcar
Ends at Fishermen's Camp
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'All right, all right! We'll go then! We shall even try to carry as much as we can, since them gentle-folk at Forlaw shiver and go hungry.

'Food will be short. You kill the moose, we carry the meat, hm? Fair?'


The fisherman have offered to carry meat to Forlaw to help bolster the food stores for refugees and townsfolk.

Objective 1

  • Collect large cuts of moose-meat (0/6)

Moose can be found in the Whitshaws, especially towards the north.

You should hunt moose and bring the cuts of meat to the fishermen, so that they may bring it to Forlaw to help feed the people there.

Collected moose-meat (6/6)

Objective 2

  • Bring the moose-meat to Morcar

Morcar can be found at the fisherman's camp in the northern Whitshaws, on the edge of the Isingmere.

You should bring the cuts of meat to Morcar.

Morcar 'That's the stuff. Give it here, eh, and I'll see it gets safe into hungry bellies.'