Quest:05. The Further Adventures of Elladan & Elrohir, Chapter 5
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Level | Scaling |
Type | Solo |
Repeatable | Yes |
Starts with | Elladan |
Starts at | Egladil |
Start Region | Lothlórien |
Map Ref | [16.6S, 67.3W] |
Ends with | Elrond |
Ends at | Elrond's Library |
End Region | Rivendell |
Map Ref | [29.6S, 3.3W] |
Quest Group | Mission: Further Adventures |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'We're right at the doorstep of Caras Galadhon, but how can we stand idly by while Wargs sow chaos in the Golden Wood?' '<name>, you have been a stalwart companion. Not once have you faltered in aiding us, and for that we are grateful. Though you have honoured your promise to us and our father, we have one last thing to ask of you.' 'Come with us to the north. Whatever the Wargs have planned, we'll put an end to it. Together.' BackgroundArmed with the knowledge that Wargs now endanger Lórien, your party sets out to put an end to their machinations. Objective 1Galadhrim scouts have sighted Wargs around the northern borders of Lórien. You should talk to Elladan outside of Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien to begin heading north. Objective 2
With the help of the Galadhrim and fresh supplies your return to Rivendell has gone smoothly. Lord Elrond wishes to have a word with you.