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These stats are for Tier 1,
click here for Tier 2.
Level: 25 - 150
Instance: Fornost: Wraith of Water

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Poor
F.M. Immune: True
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Superior
Song: Remarkable
Tactical: Superior
Physical: Remarkable
Common: Remarkable AncientDwarf: Remarkable
Fire: Remarkable Beleriand: Remarkable
Light: Remarkable Westernesse: Remarkable
Shadow: Remarkable Frost: Remarkable
Lightning: Remarkable

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 61 )  

These stats are for Tier 2,
click here for Tier 1.
Level: 25 - 150
Instance: Fornost: Wraith of Water

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Fair
F.M. Immune: True
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Remarkable
Song: Remarkable
Tactical: Remarkable
Physical: Remarkable
Common: Remarkable AncientDwarf: Remarkable
Fire: Remarkable Beleriand: Remarkable
Light: Remarkable Westernesse: Remarkable
Shadow: Remarkable Frost: Remarkable
Lightning: Remarkable

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 61 )  


Megoriath is the first wraith encountered within the 6-man instance Fornost: Wraith of Water in the North Downs. [3.9S, 55.4W]

Having the quest Megoriath, the Wraith of Water and killing him completes the deed Fornost -- The Gate to Earth, which is a prerequisite for the Wraith of Earth instance, and thus a prerequisite for the three other instances.


 Terrible Retribution
 Diseased Frailty
 Shadow Aura
 Hounding Fear
 Difficulty Tier II On Tier 2

Quest Involvement


The water within Megoriath's room causes a  Silenced effect, so all healers and casters will need to stand on one of the three stone platforms surrounding him to avoid it.

Megoriath has a powerful ranged attack, he will not use it if you are within melee range so bring a tank.

Megoriath will suddenly move to a new location destroying walls enlarging the fight area in the process. There are a total of four locations he moves too. You can swim to the first and forth location. The second and third location are traps! You can swim to Megoriath's but you can't swim back. Instead, you must jump on top of the pillars (avoiding the water) to get back. All the while Mogoriath will be using his powerful ranged attack until you get close to him again.


Level 37-38 Tier 1

Level 75 Tier 1


"Welcome to my lair, friends. I have had quite a few visitors recently..."
"Wait...You are not here to help her, you are here to stop her! I will not allow this. I am sworn to protect her by the blade I fell upon...I will stop you!"
"Prepare to make this your watery grave!"