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Level: 30 - 150
Instance: Attack at Dawn

Type: Varies
Genus: Orc-kind
Species: Orc

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: False
Root Immune: False
Cry: Feeble
Song: Feeble
Tactical: Feeble
Physical: Feeble
Common: Good AncientDwarf: Good
Fire: Good Beleriand: Good
Light: Fair Westernesse: Good
Shadow: Good Frost: Good
Lightning: Good

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 30 )  


Krampum (Black Speech for Duty or Task) can be found during an encounter in the skirmish Attack at Dawn, in the North Downs.

He is located in the south wing at [50.1N, 80.9W] after the central gate is secure.

Encounter: Krampum has arrived to re-take the western flank.
Encounter Complete: Krampum falls to your mighty blow.

Note: Krampum will only reveal himself if only one gate has been opened, either east gate or west gate. If both gates are open and he was supposed to reveal himself, the skirmish will instead skip him, and only one encounter will be available.


 Minor Diseased Frailty
 Poisoned Lethargy
 Weakened Armour

Deed Involvement


This fearsome Orc had fled from Moria and now serves Graug near Dol Dínen.
He is apparently one of the Ghâsh-hai.