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Pages in category "Orcs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,611 total.
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- Abomination Archer
- Abomination Defiler
- Abomination Orc
- Abomination Warrior
- Abomination Warrior (Sunken Labyrinth)
- Adolescent Orc
- Afglu
- Akvosh
- Akúlog of the Hoarfrost
- Alert White Hand
- Alerted Orc Skirmisher
- Alerted Orc Warrior
- Ambushing Orc
- Amon Fuin Look-out
- Amon Fuin Warrior
- Angered Tarkrîp
- Annundir Guard
- Arataus
- Ashpar
- Azbauz
- Azog
- Azrí
- Bagnaz Rot-sting
- Balewood Heart-seeker
- Balewood Hewer
- Balewood Overseer
- Balewood Path-finder
- Balewood Protector
- Balewood Searcher
- Balewood Slave-driver
- Balewood Warrior
- Barricade Commander
- Bashkuga
- Battle-crazed Blogmal
- Battle-scarred White Hand
- Battle-weary Orc
- Bidroi
- Bidroi (Entwash Vale)
- Bloated Globsnaga
- Blogdob
- Bloglok
- Blogmal Arrow-master
- Blogmal Bow-master
- Blogmal Captain (Angmar East)
- Blogmal Captain (Ram Dúath)
- Blogmal Defender
- Blogmal Defiler (Angmar)
- Blogmal Defiler (The North Downs)
- Blogmal Fighter (Goblin-town)
- Blogmal Fighter (Ram Dúath)
- Blogmal Pillager
- Blogmal Pillager (Fornost Instances)
- Blogmal Raider
- Blogmal Raider (Fornost)
- Blogmal Ravager
- Blogmal Reaver
- Blogmal Scout (Goblin-town)
- Blogmal Skirmisher (Angmar East)
- Blogmal Skirmisher (Ram Dúath)
- Blogmal War-master
- Blogmal Warlord
- Blogmal Warlord (Fornost)
- Blogmal Warmonger
- Blogmal Warrior (Angmar)
- Blogmal Warrior (North Downs)
- Blood-hand Ongbúrz
- Blugasht
- Blúghosh, Emissary of Gorgar
- Bolg
- Bolgbarz
- Bolgstáz
- Borbák the Shearer
- Borhashat
- Brafulug Ambusher
- Brafulug Archer
- Brafulug Defiler
- Brafulug Warrior
- Brutal Overseer
- Brutal Warg-rider
- Bughrakh
- Bugud
- Bukot
- Burg-shápol Leader
- Burg-shápol Warrior
- Burgúl (Pelennor)
- Burly Orc
- Burnalg
- Byre Tor Corrupter
- Byre Tor Marauder
- Byre Tor Scout
- Byre Tor Siege-leader
- Búrgoth
- Búrzash
- Bûb-hosh
- Bûrzthrâng Poisoner
- Bûrzthrâng Skirmisher
- Bûrzthrâng Warrior
- Caller of Chaos
- Captain Dombrî
- Captain Rauzhúl
- Captain Shum-batar
- Captain Thorgal
- Captain Ugúrz
- Captain Zaboth
- Captain Zúrthrug
- Caranost Commander
- Caranost Defiler
- Caranost Defiler (Mission)
- Caranost Scout
- Caranost Scout (Mission)
- Caranost Warrior
- Caranost Warrior (Mission)
- Chaos-fiend
- Chargost Archer
- Chargost Warrior
- Chieftain Nûlthauk
- Commander Gurkug
- Commander Mozgúth
- Commander Piztor
- Commander Târsh
- Commander Unudhu
- Condemned Defiler
- Condemned Defiler (The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra)
- Condemned Soldier
- Condemned Soldier (The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra)
- Condemned Tracker
- Condemned Tracker (The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra)
- Conog
- Crazed Globsnaga
- Cruel Roving Orc
- Curious Orc
- Dafrim
- Dagronk, Warg-master
- Dagrí
- Dagtark
- Daikhag
- Dargásh
- Dark Orc Berserker
- Dark Orc Defiler
- Darúk
- Darûkûrz
- Dead-aim Ongbúrz
- Deadly Krahjarn
- Death-monger
- Death-sworn Frost-caller
- Death-sworn Hobgoblin
- Deepscrave Black-arrow
- Deepscrave Captain
- Deepscrave Defiler
- Deepscrave Forge-master
- Deepscrave Healer
- Deepscrave Provisioner
- Deepscrave Relic-master
- Deepscrave Supplier
- Deepscrave Warrior
- Defender of the Vile
- Defiler Bulmus
- Dhognûrz
- Dhugluk
- Dhárpush the Foul
- Dhárpush the Foul (Pit-fighter)
- Dhûrz
- Distinctive Orc Scavenger
- Dolpan
- Dragon-servant Frost-caller
- Dragon-servant Impaler
- Draupush
- Dreadful Tarkrîp
- Drâgh (The Grand Stair)
- Dulgan
- Dumúlak
- Durbkhat
- Durbúrz-stazg Guard (Durbúrz-stazg - East)
- Durbúrz-stazg Guard (Durbúrz-stazg - South)
- Durkhlát
- Durshâtaz
- Durthang Guard
- Durthang Vault Guard
- Durthlún
- Durub Archer
- Durub Archer (Nud-melek)
- Durub Berserker
- Durub Captain (Zelem-melek)
- Durub Defiler
- Durub Leader
- Durub Marauder
- Durub Skirmisher
- Durub Warrior
- Durub Warrior (Nud-melek)
- Dushatâr
- Dushmau Lieutenant
- Dushmau Ravager
- Dushmau Scout
- Dushmau Warrior