Item:Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw

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Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw

Drop Information

This is a scaled item. The exact level of the item received is dependent on the level of the area, instance, chest, or mob from which it was obtained.

This item is a possible drop in the Depths of Mâkhda Khorbo raid from the following chest(s):

  • Boss 1 -- Tiers 3, 4, 5
  • Boss 2 -- Tier 2
  • Boss 3 -- Tier 1
    • T1 = 517, T2 = 519, T3 = 521, T4 = 522, T5 = 523

Barter Information

Barterer: Beorning Quartermaster (Bej Mâgha) and Beorning Trader (Vestibule of Utug-bûr)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw  Umbari Greaves of Regrowth 1000 Embers of Enchantment
 Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw  Umbari Greaves of the Vigilant Bear 1000 Embers of Enchantment
 Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw  Menacing Tentacle 1500 Embers of Enchantment

See also