Equipment Exchange - Beorning
Item to Receive
Items to Trade
Umbari Helmet of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Helmet of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Pauldrons of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Pauldrons of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Hauberk of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Hauberk of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Gauntlets of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Gauntlets of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Leggings of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Leggings of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Greaves of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Helmet of Regrowth |
Umbari Helmet of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Pauldrons of Regrowth |
Umbari Pauldrons of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Hauberk of Regrowth |
Umbari Hauberk of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Gauntlets of Regrowth |
Umbari Gauntlets of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Leggings of Regrowth |
Umbari Leggings of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Greaves of Regrowth |
Umbari Greaves of the Vigilant Bear |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Helmet of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Helmet of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Pauldrons of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Pauldrons of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Hauberk of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Hauberk of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Gauntlets of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Gauntlets of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Leggings of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Leggings of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Greaves of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Helmet of Regrowth |
Umbari Helmet of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Pauldrons of Regrowth |
Umbari Pauldrons of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Hauberk of Regrowth |
Umbari Hauberk of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Gauntlets of Regrowth |
Umbari Gauntlets of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Leggings of Regrowth |
Umbari Leggings of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Greaves of Regrowth |
Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Helmet of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Helmet of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Pauldrons of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Pauldrons of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Hauberk of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Hauberk of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Gauntlets of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Gauntlets of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Leggings of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Leggings of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Greaves of the Vigilant Bear |
Umbari Greaves of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Helmet of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Helmet of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Pauldrons of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Pauldrons of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Hauberk of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Hauberk of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Gauntlets of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Gauntlets of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Leggings of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Leggings of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment
Umbari Greaves of the Razor Claw |
Umbari Greaves of Regrowth |
1000 Embers of Enchantment