Item:Ornate Heritage Rune of Learning

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Ornate Heritage Rune of Learning
  • Bind to Account on Acquire
  • Item Level: 115
  • Consumed On Use
  • Minimum Level 115
  • Requires: Seeker of Deep Places
  • "A stored wealth of 135000 item experience points.

    Using this item will contribute to your Legendary Item Reward Track progress."
  • Worth: 38 Silver 75 Copper 
  • Stacks to 200

Item Information

Obtainable via deconstruction of pre-Update 30.3, unimbued Legendary Items of an appropriate item and level range, or via barters, as shown below. Heritage runes can be consumed for Legendary Item XP, which advances Reward Track.

Barter Information

Barterer: Quartermaster (Dol Amroth) (need Acquaintance reputation with Dol Amroth)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Ornate Heritage Rune of Learning 70 Dol Amroth Silver Pieces

Barterer: Quartermaster (Defenders of Minas Tirith) (need Friend reputation with Defenders of Minas Tirith)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Ornate Heritage Rune of Learning 35 Minas Tirith Silver Pieces

Barterer: Quartermaster (Riders of Rohan) (need Friend reputation with Riders of Rohan)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade
 Ornate Heritage Rune of Learning 10 Exquisite Wood-carvings 8 Polished Marble Trinkets