Legendary Item Reward Track

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The Legendary Item Reward Track (or Reward Track in short) is an account-wide seasonal reward track added with Update 32. Each season is expected to last roughly 3 months. It becomes available to characters who have obtained the Seeker of Deep Places trait.

The Reward Track uses Legendary Item Experience (IXP), acquired by completing quests, killing enemies or using Heritage Runes, to progress through the tiers. Each completed tier gives a specific, account-bound reward, that can be claimed only once by a character of the player's choice.

The progress resulting from a specific amount of Legendary Item Experience depends on the character's level. Low level characters need less IXP to complete a tier than higher level characters.

You can not claim a later tier reward until you have claimed the previous tiers.

Current Season Unique Rewards

Season 13 is the current season of the Legendary Item Reward Track it started on February 27, 2025 and is scheduled to run until May 20, 2025 (this date may change).

Season Tiers
Tier 25 Tier 50 Tier 75 Tier 100
13  Incomparable Coffer of the Dragon's Hoard  Legendary Coffer of the Emerald Drakeling  Legendary Coffer of Glorious Memories of Gondor  Legendary Coffer of the Water Buffalo Family

Past Seasons Unique Rewards

Static Rewards

Static Rewards are consistent from season to season unlike unique rewards at levels 25, 50, 75 and 100.

Static Rewards Tiers
 Decorated Coffer of Ancient Script 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81
 Embellished Coffer of Ancient Script 5 10 30 86 96
 Enhancement Runes x4, Uncommon 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37
 Enhancement Runes x4, Rare 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 42 47 52 57
 Enhancement Runes x3, Incomparable 44 49 54 59 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97
 Enhancement Runes, Legendary 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99
 Sealed Tracery, Rare 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58
 Sealed Tracery, Incomparable 45 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98
 Sealed Tracery, Legendary 85 91
 Tracery Token, Incomparable 20 60 70 80
 Sealed Chest of Embers & Figments (1k) 15 35 55 95
 Coffer of Legendary Items >100
  • Tier 101 is repeatable with the number of unclaimed rewards indicated on the Claim button.

Historical Notes

  • Season 1 of the Legendary Item Reward Track was originally called the Gundabad Legendary Item Reward Track in-game. It started with the release of Update 32 on February 16, 2022 and ended on May 18, 2022 with the release of Patch 33.0.4.
  • With Update 33.0.5 the presentation of rewards in the Legendary Items Reward Tracker has been modified for readability, and new large icons have been added for most rewards.
  • Tier 101 rewarded  Coffer of Ancient Script in Seasons 1 and 2. Since Season 3 the Tier 101 reward is  Coffer of Legendary Items.


Legendary Item Reward Track - Season 13
Legendary Item Reward Track - Season 13