Improved Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to Update 22.2 - Monday, June 4th, 2018., this skill is now obsolete. |

- 40m Range
- Tactical Skill
- A powerful Sign which leaves damage over time on your foe.
If your enemy is under the effect of Burning Embers, this Sign will stir it up into Searing Embers.
If this skill is used whilst your companion flanks the enemy, your Morale will be healed. - ... Fire Damage initially.
- ... Fire Damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
- Cost: (Level × 1.5) Power
General Information
Class: Lore-master
Level: 54
Training this skill will replace Wizard's Fire.
Choosing the Master of Nature's Fury Trait Specialization increases the damage of this skill by 20%.
The trait Master of Fire increases the damage of this skill by up to 15%.
The trait Ancient Fire allows this skill to upgrade two Burning Embers DoTs with up to a 25% chance.
The trait Empowering Fires increases the Morale and Power restored when this skill is used on a flanked target by up to 30% and 24%, respectively.
The trait Fire Shield gives this skill a 25% chance to raise a protective shield around you.
The trait set bonus for Master of Nature's Fury (2) -- Master of the Elements -- increases the damage of this skill by 10%.
The trait set bonus for Master of Nature's Fury (3) -- Exposure to the Elements -- increases the Critical Damage of this skill by 20%.
The trait set bonus for Master of Nature's Fury (7) -- Flame of Anor -- allows this skill to affect up to 2 additional targets within a 6m radius of the primary target.
Using this skill causes Improved Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire to occur on an enemy target.
Using this skill on a target with a Burning Embers effect applied by the same lore-master, causes Improved Searing Embers to appear on an enemy target instead.
The Lore-master's Staff Legacy Fire Skills Critical Damage increases the critical magnitude of this skill by up to 25%.
The Lore-master's Staff Legacy Tactical Skills Direct Damage increases the initial damage caused by this skill by up to 10%.
The Lore-master's Book Legacy Fire Damage Over Time increases the damage over time caused by this skill by up to 15%.
The Lore-master's Book Legacy Fire Skills Critical Rating increases the critical rating of this skill by up to 648.
The Lore-master's Book Legacy Target Resistance (Damaging Skills) decreases the resistance to this skill by up to 1580.
The Lore-master's Book Legacy Target Resistance (Fire Skills) decreases the resistance to this skill by up to 1580.
This skill is a reference to the story of Bilbo's journey to the dragon Smaug, in which the wizard Gandalf saves the day when they are high in trees, surrounded by goblins and wargs. The name of the skill is mentioned when Beorn returns from scouting the goblins afterwards:
"From these he (Beorn, red.) had got news: the goblin patrols were still hunting with Wargs for the dwarves, and they were fiercely angry because of the death of the Great Goblin, and also because of the burning of the chief wolf's nose and the death from the wizard's fire of many of his chief servants."
- Queer Lodgings. In: The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lore-master draws a sign in the air with their staff, causing their target to burn from within. Small flames dance through the air around the victim for the duration of the dot. Each hit the chest lights up with a larger, yellow flare.