Tham Celechir

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Tham Celechir
Type: Ruins
Region: Swanfleet
Area: Western Eregion
Location: [45.5S, 19.3W]
Tham Celechir
Tham Celechir

Tham Celechir is a landmark in Western Eregion, in Swanfleet. [45.5S, 19.3W]

Tham Celechir (Sindarin for Hall of the Swift River) was one of the last places that stood against Sauron during the War of the Elves and Sauron in the mid-Second Age. Many elves made their last stand here.

Presently, the halls have been overrun by Uruk-hai that are frantically searching for relics of the elves who previously dwelt within the ruins to bring back to their master.




These deeds can be advanced by exploring this location:


These creatures are encountered within this location:


"Tham Celechir, the Hall of the Swift River, was one of the last sites to stand against the armies of Sauron when he brought war to Eregion in the Second Age. Many Elves perished both within and without its walls, and evidence of their final stand can still be found in the debris that litters the once-proud ruin." — Deed
