Quest:Footfall in Tham Celechir
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Level | 15 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Rhovandis |
Starts at | Idhobel |
Start Region | Swanfleet |
Map Ref | [47.2S, 19.0W] |
Ends with | Haerlendir |
Ends at | Western Eregion |
End Region | Swanfleet |
Map Ref | [45.8S, 18.7W] |
Quest Group | Swanfleet |
Quest Chain |
Concerning Wargs Quests: Idhobel Quests:
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'You have my thanks for taking care of the wood-trolls in Tham Lasgol. 'With the wargs connected to the White Hand, and scouts reporting renewed movement within Tham Celechir, I can no longer assume it is a coincidence. I lost someone dear to me during their last trek into those ruins, so I had one of my scouts observe the creatures there. The shadow infests that place, but this latest addition of wargs is even more troubling. Uruk-hai are not known for travelling with wargs. 'Speak to Haerlendir just outside the ruins. He can tell you more.' BackgroundThere is a new threat in Tham Celechir. Objective 1
Tham Celechir can be found north of Idhobel. Rhovandis has asked you to speak to Haerlendir just outside of Tham Celechir on the road.
Objective 2
The scout has informed you that Uruk-hai have encamped within Tham Celechir. Be careful as you investigate the ruins.
Objective 3
You found evidence of warg activity within Tham Celechir. Return to Haerlendir just outside of the ruins south of Tham Celechir.