Solitary Thunder Skills

Revision as of 15:50, 6 November 2020 by RoyalKnight5 (talk | contribs)
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These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Solitary Thunder (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Skill Category Attunes Range Induct / Cool Source
 Sustaining Bolt Damage + Buff 0 20m - / 15s Set: Initial skill
 Writ of Lightning Damage + Debuff 3 20m - / 1s Set: Initial skill
 Ceaseless Argument Damage 1 20m - / - Trait:  Ceaseless Argument
 Fulgurite Runestone Damage + Stun 3 - - / 3s Trait:  Fulgurite Runestone
 Epic Conclusion Damage 0 20m - / 30s Trait:  Epic Conclusion
 Vivid Imagery Damage + Daze 3 5m - / 1m Trait:  Vivid Imagery
 Concession and Rebuttal Buff 6 Self - / 3m Trait:  Concession and Rebuttal
 Static Surge Damage 1 5.2m - / 3s Set:  Static Surge