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Things to do
- Move some of the information of Category:Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Quests to Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Quests (and do the same for Ered Mithrin, Vales of Anduin ...). Change Category:Regional Quests!
- Are Gap of Rohan and Nan Curunír regions, areas or sub-regions? What quest categories should they have?
- Add required trait for skills under 'General information' and add/update trait information:
- Beorning -- done
- Burglar -- done
- Captain -- done
- Champion -- done
- Guardian -- done
- Hunter -- done
- Lore-master -- still to do
- Minstrel -- done
- Rune-keeper -- still to do
- Warden -- in progress
- Add images of West Gondor quest gear (see User:RoyalKnight5/Western Gondor Armour Sets).
- Write a class guide when I find the time, or update an existing one.
Characters on Evernight
RoyalKnight: level 109 Elf Lore-master
Stekverk: level 94 Dwarf Guardian
Barthelios: level 51 Elf Rune-keeper
Tollamac: level 74 Hobbit Burglar
Bradronnarth: level 35 Man Hunter
Nimrogil: level 36 High Elf Warden
Cadhorant: Spider Weaver
Oghuk: Orc Reaver
Sandbox pages
Useful Links
- Dunland Armour Sets
- Armour Set Cosmetics - Dol Amroth
- Yule cosmetics: Item:Robe of Winter Winds and Item:Snowy Tunic and Trousers
- How to upload LOTRO Store images
- Category:Utility Templates
- Category:Static Templates
A | Lotro-Wiki Administrator since: October 7, 2020. |
B | Lotro-Wiki Bureaucrat since: May 19, 2021. |