Quest:The Battle for Anatrâd

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The Battle for Anatrâd
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Anatrâd
Start Region Clovengap
Map Ref [35.7S, 121.1W]
Ends with Automatic
End Region Clovengap
Quest Group Gundabad: Clovengap
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The ruins of Anatrâd have been overrun by hobgoblins. The ancient fortress is essential to the success of the dwarves.


The ruins of Anatrâd have been overrun by hobgoblins.

Objective 1

  • Defeat hobgoblins (0/12)

Anatrâd lies in northwestern Clovengap.

You should defeat hobgoblins at Anatrâd.

Defeated hobgoblins (12/12)