Quest:The Battle for Garânashmar

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The Battle for Garânashmar
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Rúdin
Starts at Bazanmanar
Start Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.9S, 120.3W]
Ends with Rúdin
Ends at Bazanmanar
End Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.9S, 120.3W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Clovengap
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I heard Gerja asking you to explore Garânashmar. The Angmarim have squirmed their way into those once-great halls, and sully the floors upon which the line of Forstóri once trod. It would greatly help our cause if, whilst sightseeing in Garânashmar, you were to remove as many of the invaders as you are able.'


Garânashmar, the ancient homestead of Forstóri's Line, has been overrun by Angmarim.

Objective 1

Garânashmar perches across Kurdushâlak, in northwestern Clovengap.

Rúdin has asked you to defeat Angmarim at Garânashmar.

Defeated Angmarim (12/12)

Objective 2

Rúdin is in Bazanmanar in northeastern Clovengap.

You should tell Rúdin that you have defeated many of the Angmarim.

Rúdin: 'Excellent work, my friend! You have made it that much easier for our brethren to take back the gap!'