Quest:Mapping Northern Clovengap

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Mapping Northern Clovengap
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Gerja Defthand
Starts at Bazanmanar
Start Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.9S, 120.3W]
Ends with Gerja Defthand
Ends at Bazanmanar
End Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.9S, 120.3W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Clovengap
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Since you are heading north, you may as well try to find these last few places. The Amgaruslun Falls and the ruins of Anatrâd. Even further north, now covered in rimefrost by the passage of Hrímil, was Frósthel. These were large fields by the side of the river, where livestock once grazed on lush grasses.

'There is also mention of a lookout, near to the tunnel that leads to the Welkin-lofts. I cannot make out the name, but see if you can find any clues about where that may have been as well.'


The passing of Hrímil has greatly altered the landscape of Clovengap. Are there still signs of the fields and fortresses beneath the ice?

Objective 1

The new locations are in northern Clovengap.

You should search for the Amgaruslun Falls, the ruins of Anatrâd, the lookout, and Frósthel.

Hobgoblins have overtaken Anatrâd!
Hrímil's passage has frozen these fields
A piece of ancient, curved glass glints from the rubble
Hrímil's passage has silenced the fall's roar

Objective 2

Gerja Defthand is in Bazanmanar, in northeast Clovengap.

You should let Gerja Defthand know what you found.

Gerja Defthand: 'Ah, you return! What have you found, friend?'