Quest:Quellwort and Lockblossom

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Quellwort and Lockblossom
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Golodhril
Starts at Bazanmanar
Start Region Clovengap
Map Ref [37.0S, 120.2W]
Ends with Golodhril
Ends at Bazanmanar
End Region Clovengap
Quest Group Gundabad: Clovengap
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'My friend, you have done much for my sister and me. If you would do me one last favour, I would greatly appreciate it. I studied the two remaining plants you gathered for me and created two concoctions. While you were gone I had our friends here sample each and now all that remains is to determine the results! Please, go see how they have fared.'


Golodhril has narrowed her study down to two of the plants you collected for her in Clovengap.

Objective 1

The test subjects are located at Bazanmanar.

Golodhril has asked you to speak to her various test subjects.

Mother Amma: 'Well met! Oh yes, you can tell Golodhril that I have noticed my beard is softer. Please do give her my thanks and let her know I'd like that recipe!'
Gerja Defthand: 'Ah, you come from Golodhril? I cannot say as I have noticed much of a change, no.'
Rúdin: 'You tell that fool of an Elf that if she splashes me again with any of her so called concoctions that I will have her relocated to the camp north of here.
'But since you are here, I might as well admit that yes, my beard is feeling quite fine now. That is no excuse, however!'
Málur Keenword: 'I have not noticed a change, no. My beard has always been gloriously soft, though, so who really could tell.'

Objective 2

Golodhril is located at Bazanmanar.

You should report your findings to Golodhril.

Golodhril: 'You return! How fared our experiment?'
You give her the results.
'Ah hah! Excellent! I gave Málur and Gerja the second phial which means... <name>! We have done it! The second phial must then be the quellwort!
'Oh my friend, thank you ever so much for all of your help! Our journey to the West encroaches, but now perhaps Sadorwen's passage will be that much gentler.'