Quest:Flowers for the Fallen

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Flowers for the Fallen
Level 138
Type Solo
Starts with Golodhril
Starts at Bazanmanar
Start Region Clovengap
Map Ref [37.0S, 120.2W]
Ends with Thyfli
End Region Clovengap
Map Ref [36.4S, 120.6W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Clovengap
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I am still studying two of the plants, but I do recognize one of them! What we were calling daewath is known in your language as duskenshade, and it is known to provide relief to those who are injured.

'If you're still of a mind to help, will you bring this bundle to Thyfli? He is stationed in a small camp north of here, where the wounded are being watched over.'


Tucked away high above the fields of Clovengap, wounded warriors await assistance.

Objective 1

Thyfli is located in a camp north of Bazanmanar.

Golodhril has asked you to bring a bundle of healing plants to Thyfli.

Thyfli: 'Ah, well met, friend. You bring something from the Elf-lady? Oh! Duskenshade? Well bless me. My great-grandmother called this plant "lanzaskâd". It will do much to ease the suffering of our fallen brothers and sisters. You have my thanks.'