Zhan Ashû

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Zhan Ashû
Level: 105
Region: The Wastes
Area: Dagorlad

Type: Elite
Genus: Man
Species: Easterling

Morale: 49,495
Power: 3,176
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: False
Root Immune: False
Cry: Superior
Song: Superior
Tactical: Superior
Physical: Superior
Common: Incredible AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Incredible
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 105 )  


Zhan Ashû can be found upon the hill of Dol Acharn in the Wastes. [31.0S, 1.8W]

Zhan Ashû was the Chieftain of the Wainriders who fought against Gondor in 1944 of the Third Age. It was he who slew Faramir, son of Ondoher.




"You are bold to challenge me, <race>, especially bearing my own spear!"
"Let us see if your bravery is matched by your skill!"