Quest:The Wainriders of Dol Acharn

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The Wainriders of Dol Acharn
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Any Wainrider
Starts at Dol Acharn
Start Region The Wastes
Ends with Auto-complete
Quest Chain The Wastes: Dagorlad
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

In the wake of turmoil within Mordor and the march of the Host of the West, the Wainriders that fell upon the battle plain have risen to stand against the Men of Gondor once again.

They have not yet moved against the Host of the West, and to ensure that this remains so, you should confront them at Dol Acharn and draw their attention away from the Host.


After suffering a crushing defeat in days long past, the Wainriders have returned to Dagorlad in force, and so too has their hatred for the Men of Gondor.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Wainrider Soldier (0/6)
  • Defeat Wainrider Bowman (0/6)
  • Defeat[Wainrider Charioteer (0/4)
  • Defeat Wainrider Horseman (0/4)

The Wainriders can be found at Dol Acharn in eastern Dagorlad.

You have arrived at Dol Acharn and should now defeat the Wainriders to keep them from discovering the Host of the West.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated many of the Wainriders at Dol Acharn.

The Wainriders of Dol Acharn were not easily bested, but through your efforts, the Host of the West shall remain unknown to them.