Hobbit Gifts

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The Hobbit Gifts panel
The Hobbit Gifts panel

Hobbit Gifts is a system of receiving random items in exchange for Mithril Coins. Items range from basic supplies such as morale potions and food up to very rare items such as stat tomes and legendary upgrade materials. Two tiers of awards are available, silver and gold, where items from gold gifts are generally better than silver. Items are further labeled by the type of reward which also corresponds to rarity. "Basic Supplies" are much more common than a "Legendary Giftbox". All gifts are bound to account. In addition to an item, every gift awards a varying amount virtue experience.

All players are given one free silver gift per server, per day. Players with an active VIP subscription are given one free gold gift each week per server. Players must actively claim these gifts by logging in and opening the Hobbit Gifts panel. Free gifts do not accumulate if not claimed for a specific day or week. Silver gifts normally cost Mithril Coin  per gift and gold gifts cost Mithril Coin  per gift.

The daily reset for free gifts occurs at 3:00 a.m. server time, and the weekly reset occurs on Thursday at 3:00 a.m. server time.

Icon Free gifts available
Silver and Gold


Hobbit Gifts were originally introduced in Update 11: Treachery of the White Hand in May, 2013.


Rarity Silver Gifts Gold Gifts

50%* 45%

35% 30%

10%* 15%

4% 8%

1% 2%

* When festival gifts are enabled, the chance of receiving common silver presents is reduced to 45% while rare silver presents are increased to 15%.

Gold Gifts

Advanced Supplies
200 Virtue XP

Boosts & Buffs
400 Virtue XP

Incomparable Gear & Items
600 Virtue XP

1,000 Virtue XP

Improved Legendary Giftbox
2,000 Virtue XP

3 Battle Potion of Restoration

 Decorated Heritage Rune of Legend

2 Greater Potion of Morale

2 Greater Potion of Power

 Massive Pile of Gold Scraps

10 Medallions

 Morale Bubble Potion

5 Scroll of Max Morale and Power (6 hours)

5 Universal Ingredient Pack

 +100% Craft XP Boost

3 Advanced Mark Acquisition Boost (6 hours)

5 +5 Hope (90 min)

3 Combat Run Speed Boost

Item:Enhancement Runes x2, Rare

3 Enhanced XP Supply

3 Potion of Rapid Crafting

3 Scroll of Finesse

3 Simple Rally Horn

3 Tome of Defence

700 Figments of Splendour

 Incomparable Mathom-hunter's Armour

 Slayer and Skill Deed Boost (6 hours)

 Tome of Exceptional Experience

 Universal Solvent - 5 Pack

 Enhancement Runes x2, Incomparable

 Essence or Tracery Reclamation Scroll Selection Box

1000 Figments of Splendour

 Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient

 Sealed Tracery, Incomparable

 Bound Black Steel Key

200 Mithril Coin

3 Reputation Acceleration Tome

 Sealed Tracery, Legendary

 Stat Tome Box

3 Virtue Acceleration Tome - 2000 Bonus Virtue XP

Silver Gifts

Basic Supplies
50 Virtue XP

100 Virtue XP

150 Virtue XP

200 Virtue XP

Legendary Giftbox
500 Virtue XP

 Battle Potion of Restoration

3 Dale-men's Cram

 Massive Pile of Copper Scraps

 Massive Pile of Silver Scraps

 Minor Potion of Morale

 Minor Potion of Power

 Tome of Tracking

 +5 Hope (90 min)

 Combat Run Speed Boost

 Decorated Heritage Rune of Learning

 Landscape Soldier Token

 Major Potion of Morale

 Major Potion of Power

 Scroll of Finesse

 Scroll of Max Morale and Power (6 hours)

 Simple Rally Horn

 Tome of Defence

 Decorated Heritage Rune of Legend

 Enhanced XP Supply

 Enhancement Runes, Rare

 Potion of Rapid Crafting

 Scroll of Greater Craft Acceleration

 Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient

 Tome of Extraordinary Experience (Levels 1-10)

 Enhancement Rune, Incomparable

200 Figments of Splendour

400 Figments of Splendour

 Rare Mathom-hunter's Armour

 Stat Tome Box - Agility

 Stat Tome Box - Fate

 Stat Tome Box - Might

 Stat Tome Box - Vitality

 Stat Tome Box - Will

 Virtue Acceleration Tome - 2000 Bonus Virtue XP

Festival Gifts

During certain special events you can obtain, in addition to your normal hobbit gift, a special festival-only gift.

Yule Gifts

The Hobbit Gifts panel during the Yule Festival

Starting in 2019, two categories of items were supplemented with exclusive gifts during the Yule Festival. Obtaining a gift from one of these categories awards the standard Hobbit gift as well as a Yule Festival housing decoration, pet or mount.


Advanced Supplies + Gifts
(Gold gifts)
200 Virtue XP

Boosts + Gifts
(Silver gifts)
150 Virtue XP

 Bubble Potion + Gold or Silver Gift of Yules Past
 Gold Scraps + Gold Winter Gift: Prancing Pony Sign
 Ingredient Packs + Gold Winter Gift: Horse-lords Cosmetics
 Medallions + Gold Winter Gift: Pavillion
 Morale Potions + Gold Winter Gift: Prancing Pony Sign
 Power Potions + Gold Winter Gift: Waggon
 Restoration Potion + Gold Winter Gift: Icy Floor
 Rune + Gold Winter Gift: Drakeling Pet
 Scrolls + Gold Winter Gift: Adroit Rider Cosmetics

 Crafting Scroll + Silver Winter Gift: Brazier
 Crafting Scroll + Silver Winter Gift: Fountain
 Enhancement Runes + Silver Gift of Yules Past
 Heritage Rune + Silver Winter Gift: Cloak
 Silver Gift of Yules Past - Selection Box
 XP Boost + Silver Winter Gift: Parrot Pet
 XP Boost + Silver Winter Gift: Dwarf-candle Bauble

Past Gifts

Midsummer Gifts

The Hobbit Gifts panel during the Midsummer Festival

During the Midsummer Festival in 2020, two categories of items were supplemented with exclusive gifts. Obtaining a gift from one of these categories awards the standard Hobbit gift as well as a Midsummer Festival housing decoration, pet or mount.

Advanced Supplies + Gifts
(Gold gifts)
50 Virtue XP

Boosts + Gifts
(Silver gifts)
100 Virtue XP

 Bubble Potion + Gold Wedding Gift: Gondorian Kite

 Gold Scraps + Gold Wedding Gift: Summer Wreath

 Ingredient Packs + Gold Wedding Gift: Ringló Steed

 Medallions + Gold Wedding Gift: Wedding Fireworks

 Morale Potions + Gold Wedding Gift: Goose House

 Power Potions + Gold Wedding Gift: Goose House

 Restoration Potion + Gold Wedding Gift: Summer Wreath

 Rune + Gold Wedding Gift: Wedding Fireworks

 Scrolls + Gold Wedding Gift: Gondorian Kite

 Crafting Boost + Silver Wedding Gift: Floating Lantern

 Crafting Scroll + Silver Wedding Gift: Firefly Lantern

 Crafting Scroll + Silver Wedding Gift: Floating Lantern

 Relics + Silver Wedding Gift: Celebration Pony Pet

 Rune + Silver Wedding Gift: Pet Firefly

 XP Boost + Silver Wedding Gift: Banquet Decoration

 XP Boost + Silver Wedding Gift: Banquet Decoration