User:Rogue4ever/Creature Template

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Naming Conventions

  • Use "Mobs" when referring to enemies INSIDE an instance
  • Use "Creatures" when referring to enemies OUTSIDE an instance

Using the Template

Use the Tool: Create new creature

Meaning Behind the Parameters

Note: Regarding "blank or 'Yes'" for many parameters -- blank will not enable the feature of that parameter, but "Yes" or any other text will enable it, as will a single character, digit, or anything other than a space. Hence, blank means "off" (which is default), while any text means "on".
|name          =   Name of creature/mob using correct special characters
|level         =   Level range of creature/mob (lowest to highest)
|genus         =   {Beasts, Orc-kind, The Dead,etc} See table below for list of options *Turns into a link*
|species       =   {Bear, Half-orc, Shade,etc} See table below for list of options
|type          =   {Normal, Signature, Elite, etc} See table below for list of options
|alignment     =   As specified by Lore-master inspection
|max-health    =   Morale range of creature/mob (lowest to highest)
|max-power     =   Power range of creature/mob (lowest to highest)
|location      =   Region name; See table below for list of options (Leave blank if instance) *Turns into a link*
|area          =   Area name; location within the region (Leave blank if instance) *Turns into a link*
|instance      =   Instance name; all instances including raids and epic battles; or Skirmish '''(does NOT include quest instances)'''
        [[ Combat Effectiveness ]]
|finesse       =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|conj-immune   =   {True or False} Can fellowship maneuvers (conjunctions) not be triggered on the mob?
|stun_mez-imm  =   {True or False} Can stuns and mezzes not be triggered on the mob?
|root-immune   =   {True or False} Can roots not be triggered on the mob?
        [[ Resistances ]]
|cry           =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|song          =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|tactical      =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|physical      =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
        [[ Mitigation ]]
|common        =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|fire          =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|light         =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|shadow        =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|lightning     =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|ancientdwarf  =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|beleriand     =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|westernesse   =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|frost         =   {Feeble, Poor, Average, Fair, Good, Superior, Remarkable, Incredible, or Extraordinary}
|inspector-lvl =   Level of the Lore-master who inspected the mob
|tier          =   ONLY if a mob has two tiers (mobs in world instances that have a tier 2 option) {1 or 2}
|roving_threat =   {yes} for Roving Threat creatures
|scourge       =   {yes} for Scourge creatures
|image         =   Specify an image path (without "File:" or ".jpg") if it's not the same as |name
|noharm        =   {yes} for harmless creatures (If used, all combat parameters are removed)
|melee-def     = 
|tactical-def  =  
|range-def     =  

Clean Copy

|name          = 
|level         = 
|genus         = 
|species       = 
|type          = 
|alignment     = 
|max-health    = 
|max-power     = 
|location      = 
|area          = 
|instance      = 
|finesse       = 
|conj-immune   = 
|stun_mez-imm  = 
|root-immune   = 
|cry           = 
|song          = 
|tactical      = 
|physical      = 
|common        = 
|fire          = 
|light         = 
|shadow        = 
|lightning     = 
|ancientdwarf  = 
|beleriand     = 
|westernesse   = 
|frost         = 
|inspector-lvl = 
|tier          = 
|roving_threat = 
|scourge       = 
|image         = 
|noharm        = 

Options with Auto-bestowed Categories