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Creatures in this category are considered Signature difficulty level. These are slightly more difficult than the Normal creatures and offer little in return for their increased morale.
Pages in category "Signature"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,457 total.
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- Abominable Snow-beast
- Abomination Archer
- Abomination Captain
- Abomination Defiler
- Abomination Goblin
- Abomination Heaver
- Abomination Orc
- Abomination Warrior (Sunken Labyrinth)
- Abomination Worker
- Accursed Fell Spirit (Great Barrow)
- Achas
- Achassoth
- Aegollant Captain
- Agan-khô
- Agonglok
- Agânuzir
- Ailgar
- Akashpug, Chief of Târ Stazg
- Akhât
- Akhún (Elderslade)
- Aklash, Leader of Soldiers
- Akraz the Vile
- Akshir
- Akvosh
- Akúlog of the Hoarfrost
- Aldis Oatbearer
- Alis
- Altered Moria Goblin
- Ambal (Parphád)
- Ambarûli Crocodile Hatchling
- Ambarûli Overseer (Mission)
- Amdir (Cargûl)
- Amshaz the Vast
- Ancient Bog-slug
- Ancient Field-bear
- Ancient Hoar-mantle
- Ancient Rock-worm
- Ancient Spirit (Boar)
- Andraste
- Anduin Bull-moose
- Andy Idden
- Anfalas Huorn
- Angithanam
- Anglach Hammerer
- Angle Captain
- Angle Pack-leader
- Angmarim Bloodletter
- Angmarim Captain (Agoroth)
- Angmarim Cave-scout
- Angmarim Commander (Gundabad)
- Angmarim Commander (Haudh Eldacar)
- Angmarim Digger
- Angmarim Gate-keeper
- Angmarim High Priest (Misty Mountains)
- Angmarim Houndmaster
- Angmarim Lookout (Helegrod Treasury)
- Angmarim Marksman
- Angmarim Searcher
- Angmarim Silkspinner (Helegrod Treasury)
- Angmarim Smith
- Angmarim Sniper (Barad Tironn)
- Angmarim Sorcerer
- Angmarim Sorceress (Forochel)
- Angmarim Tyrant
- Angmarim Warden
- Angmarim Warrior (Ost Elendil)
- Angry Bee Swarm (Eryn Lasgalen)
- Angry Morlad Resident
- Angár Irongut
- Anioch
- Annundir Backstabber
- Annundir Fighter
- Annundir Guard
- Antheron Illusion
- Anár III
- Anâkhi Apothecary
- Anâkhi Bloodletter
- Anâkhi Bloodletter (Mission)
- Anâkhi Poisoner
- Anâkhi Sorcerer
- Anórien Fen-creeper
- Arau
- Archivist Ánraig
- Armoured Sentry
- Armoured Shadow
- Armoured Shadow (Mordor Besieged)
- Armoured Troll
- Arwel (Broadacres)
- Arzgât, Worm-keeper
- Asgurn-capten
- Asgája
- Ashgúg
- Ashpar
- Askónd, Matron of the Hatchery
- Aslâ Khimash
- Athdurub
- Athálrik
- Audaghaim Miser
- Aurochs Bull
- Aurochs Bull (Iron Hills)
- Avlaith
- Azhatarg
- Balchiar the Blood-witch
- Balchneth
- Balewood Heart-seeker
- Balewood Overseer
- Balt-olog Crusher
- Balt-olog Heaver
- Balt-olog Master
- Bandit (Laughing)
- Bandit Captain
- Bandrauth Adder-fang
- Barad Angarth Overseer
- Barad Elenath Overseer
- Barad-dûr Olog
- Barad-dûr Warden
- Barkhûshim High-guard
- Barkhûshim High-guard (Mission)
- Barkskin Wood-troll
- Barkyat
- Barrow-hound
- Barrow-huorn
- Barrow-spirit
- Barrow-warden (Level 20)
- Barrow-warden (Tomb of Maenadar)
- Barrow-wight (Ost Baranor)
- Barrow-wight Slave
- Bart Madgett
- Bartub
- Barzglûk
- Battle Troll (Wulf's Cleft)
- Battle-cat (Ithilien)
- Battle-cat (The Dome of Stars)
- Bauglám Fork-tongue
- Bax Garâkh Brine-drinker
- Bear-cleaver
- Bear-wight
- Beleganc
- Belizâm the Bitter
- Bergelmir
- Bhaltair
- Bhashta
- Bidroi
- Bidroi (Entwash Vale)
- Big Black-bear
- Big Bloodtusk
- Bill Tripper
- Black Dog Pack-leader
- Black Huorn
- Black Númenórean Courtier
- Black Númenórean Servant
- Black Númenórean Sorcerer (Dor Amarth)
- Black Númenórean Sorcerer (Gorgoroth)
- Black Númenórean Sorcerer (Mordor Besieged)
- Black Númenórean Sorcerer (The Court of Seregost)
- Black Sow
- Black Uruk Enforcer
- Black-guard
- Blackbeak
- Blackfang
- Blackhorn
- Blackmaw
- Blackwold Thief
- Blade-slaver
- Blake
- Blazing Wight
- Blengur
- Blight Priest
- Blighted Wastes-bear
- Blighted Wood-troll
- Blind-strider
- Blogdob
- Bloglok
- Blogmal Defiler (The North Downs)
- Blogmal Guard (Fornost Instances)
- Blogmal Overseer (Goblin-town)
- Blogmal Pillager (Fornost Instances)
- Blogmal Sapper (Fornost)
- Blogmal Spear-hurler (Fornost Instances)
- Blogmal Spear-tosser
- Blogmal War-master
- Blogmal Ward
- Blogmal Warlord
- Blood-eye
- Blood-hand Blight
- Blood-hand Blight (Enedwaith)
- Blood-hand Ongbúrz
- Blood-hand Warg
- Blood-spiller
- Bloodhollow Pack-leader
- Blue-crag Chieftain
- Blökk
- Blúghosh, Emissary of Gorgar
- Boatswain
- Bodhóri
- Bog-light (Signature)
- Bog-slug (Dunbog)
- Bogrian
- Bonds of the Drowned
- Bone Man