User:Magill/Sandbox-U23 - Notes
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Release Notes
Where Dragons Dwell
- "Update 23 features a journey into the homelands and histories of the dwarves, including the Longbeard descendants of Durin the Deathless. Beginning with an expanded Erebor, you will adventure into the fabled Iron Hills, and finally arrive in the lost dwarf kingdoms of the Grey Mountains. This new adventure area features more than 100 quests and deeds, and three resource Instances that allows for groups of three, with daily and weekly rewards. Additionally, there are two new Instances for up to three players, and one new Instance for up to six players, with Solo versions available as well! Additionally, a new raid will be available in a future update to Update 23. These new Instances will soon playable up to Tier 3, and are available this Bullroarer preview at Tier 1. Tier 3 is a new challenge level that replaces the former T2C difficulty, and offers a new challenge in addition to other awards. Tier 3 difficulty is expected to unlock several weeks after the release of Update 23.'
Black Book of Mordor: Chapters 7 and 8
- Two new chapters of the Black Book of Mordor story are now available! The War of the Ring brought darkness and bloodshed to the Lonely Mountain, but now the dwarves of Erebor seek to rebuild their home and make certain their legacy. Your adventures will bring you to new lands in the company of allies familiar and unexpected, as you uncover secrets that have been hidden for an age. Stand with Gandalf the Wizard against Sauron’s lieutenants, and beware the weapons of Karazgar, the Weeping Warrior! Any player who has purchased the Mordor expansion will continue to have access to the entire Black Book of Mordor story line. Players who have completed Chapter 6.7 can speak to Gandalf at King Thorin's throne in the Hall Under the Mountain to begin Chapter 7.1.
- new level cap - 120
- new crafting tier - Ironfold -T12
- New Music skill - All characters now have a passive skill called Bassoon Use Instrument Proficiency granted at level five. You can find the new Basic Bassoon for use in the /music system on any Bard NPC.
- New Bassoons are now available! Basic Bassoons can be purchased from any Bard NPC. For minstrels, an Ironfold crafted Bassoon recipe can be acquired from the Dwarf-holds Crafting Rewards Quartermaster in Skarhald. Staccato and Vibrato Bassoons will be available in future content, and can be previewed by visiting Composer in the Eyes & Guard Tavern.
- Two new Trait Points are now available. One Trait Point is awarded when a player reaches level 120, and a second Trait Point is awarded upon the completion of The Black Book of Mordor - Chapter 8.7: The First Promise.
- Traveler's lootbox (level 10-115)
- Hero's Steel-bound Lootboxes (level 116+)
Ash of Enchantment --> Motes of Enchantment
- Ashes of Enchantment will be renamed to Motes of Enchantment.
- Motes of Enchantment only come from non cap level items. (Gorgoroth Steel Lootboxes, lower than level 116, ashable gear, etc.)
- Motes of Enchantment that were converted from Ashes of Enchantment in your barter wallet or that you loot from Gorgoroth Lootboxes or get by using the Flames of Ancalamir on your Mordor/Northern Mirkwood gear go into their own category.
Embers of Enchantment
- The new cap level item will be called Embers of Enchantment. (level 116+)
- Embers of Enchantment will only come from level 116 -> Cap Level items. So Hero's Steel-bound Lootboxes, New quest gear that is 116+, Instance Gear at 118+... unknown for scaled instance gear 116+ at this moment.
- New Essences do not disenchant to Embers of Enchantment. Only the new Malleable Essence type.
- Embers of Enchantment that you get by ashing new quest gear, opening the NEW Lootboxes (Hero's Steel-Bound Lootbox), etc. are in their own category in your barter wallet as well.
Comment by Cordovan
- Posted by Cordovan:
So here's the deal:
I wanted to get updated information into this thread to make sure everyone is clear on what we're doing. There were some things not-fully implemented on Bullroarer during these previews, so we understand why it's been a bit confusing.
* - We are renaming Ashes of Enchantment to Motes of Enchantment in Update 23. * - Motes of Enchantment will be used to purchase older (level 115 and below) gear. * - The old Gorgoroth Lootboxes will yield Motes once Update 23 is released to the live worlds. * - Old items will be available for Motes with the old vendor, and the new vendor will offer new U23 gear for the new currency. * - Embers of Enchantment are the new currency, and will be used to acquire level 116 and above gear. * - A new lootbox will arrive in Update 23, and that box will provide Embers of Enchantment at level cap. * - Current, existing, and future Black Steel Keys will open all boxes, bold old and new. * - We expect to have a cap on Embers as we have with Motes/Ash. * - For future planning, you can expect that when we do a level cap increase in the future, the former Embers of Enchantment will become Motes of Enchantment, and be used to acquire the older gear.
So here's the deal:
??Will old Motes and new Motes mix up in that case? Or will the former Motes become something else instead? If they mix up what would happen if the total goes over the cap? Reply: They will all go in the same stack, so you'll want to make sure to spend your Motes to keep under the cap (or not care if you go over, presumably because you have all the stuff you want from the vendor in that case.) There clearly needs to still be a cap on Motes, as otherwise it would encourage people to just hoard the old currency ongoing and forever, and ignore new gear until it becomes available for the old currency.
Light of Eärendil
Yes! There is currently a change planned for U23 that will give all races a passive trait at level 116 that will grant a certain amount of Light of Eärendil, with that amount increasing by the time you reach level 120. This is a brand-new thing added this week, with the current development numbers sitting at 20 Light at 116 and going up to 100 Light at 120, but those numbers are NOT final.
Instances: Favored Chest opening
- Finally, we have been paying close attention to your feedback on Instance chest locks. We are working on making changes for these Instances to allow people to play with others at their preferred pace and schedule, while maintaining a healthy gear acquisition rate. To that end, we are looking at a system which offers Favored openings of a chest and Standard openings of a chest. A Favored opening would be a dramatically higher chance of getting desirable rewards, and be limited to a certain number of times within a certain time frame. A Standard chance of getting these rewards will happen during subsequent openings of the chests. The Favored status would be by character, independent of other characters in your party, so if you've opened the chest a lot, you'll have a standard chance, while someone in the group with you might have a Favored opening of the chest. It is likely the system will also have different numbers based on Instance difficulty, with more Favored chest openings on easier difficulties, and fewer Favored openings on higher difficulties, in proportion to the higher quality of the gear rewarded by difficulty. We are working on implementing some kind of visual effect that displays for you to let you know whether you will have a Favored Chest pull or not. We are still working on some of the details of this system, so names and numbers might well change.
??? Specifically If a 6 man fellow completes t3 run, I assume all players would have a chance of a favoured opening: player X opens chest and all players get a favoured roll of loot. If that same fellow re-runs the instance and player Y opens chest will they still get a favourable opening as they didn't physically open the chest on the first run and only player X will be getting the standard opening OR will all players now receive standard chest as the rule applies to the chest roll not the players physically clicking the chest to open it? ??? The way it will work is by character, so for the example you gave, player X would get a Favored opening of the chest if they meet the criteria, and player Y would get a Favored or Standard opening of the chest based on what criteria they meet. That way it doesn't matter who opens the chest when; whenever you loot the chest, the loot available to you will generate based on what criteria you meet. The trade-ability of loot in the chest does indeed mean some folks who get a Favored chest opening could instead give their reward to someone who has already opened the chest a lot within that time frame, but we've had a LOT of discussion on this subject (as have you!) in recent days, and this still seems to be the best way forward. Please remember, though, that this system is very much being worked on, so things could change by the time Update 23 is released. We'll endeavor to let you know what those changes are as soon as possible, if anything changes. Once we get closer to the release, it's likely we'll be able to provide far more detail about names, numbers, and frequency.
- Map: Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
- Stormwall - Dwarven ruin
- Skarháld - Dwarven ruin
- Thornholt - forest
- Glimmerdeep - cavern / dwarven mine
- Oinsbridge - dwarven bridge
- Rushgate - entrance to Beoring lands
- Thikil-gundu - Dwarven undead
- Wyrmgap
- Withered Heath - dragon homeland
- Map: Iron Hills
- Hammerstead
- Ironfold - T12
- Járnfast
- Arkanur's Dwarf-hold Deed list
- (Officer of the Children of Arda (Les Enfants d'Arda) kinship on Sirannon and Editor on the French Lotro-wiki (
- Seeking Iron Veins
- Survey Markers of the Dwarf-holds
- Treasure-seeker of Ered Mithrin
- Treasure-seeker of the Ironfold
Quest Deeds
Lost Lore Deeds
- Lost Lore: Ironfold (Iron Hills) - 10 Rusted pages to find - Lost Lore: Ironfold (Housing item)
- Lost Lore of the Dwarf-holds: Ered Mithrin - 8 Frozen pages to find - Lost Lore: Ered Mithrin (Housing item)
- Lost Lore of the Dwarf-holds: Thikil-gundu - 14 Rust-stained writings to find (red pages) - Lost Lore: Karazgar (Housing item)
- Lost-Lore of the Dwarf-holds: Smaug - 11 Claw-mark Writings to find (purple runes, not pages) - Lost Lore: Smaug (Housing item)
Slayer Deeds
- Slayer of the Dwarf-holds - meta
- Ered Mithrin Gundabad-slayer -- this may be listed in two different manners; this way in the Slayer meta-deed, and as Ered Mithrin Orc-slayer otherwise.
- Ered Mithrin Gundabad-slayer (Advanced)
- Seeker of Iron - Deed: Seeking Iron Veins
- Surveyor of Mountains - Deed: Survey Markers of the Dwarf-Holds
- Seeker of Dwarf Mines - Deed: Treasure-seeker of the Ironfold
- Hero of Ered Mithrin - Deed: Quests of Ered Mithrin
- Hero of the Ironfold - Deed: Quests of the Ironfold
- Vanquisher of the Dwarf-holds - Deed: Slayer of the Dwarf-holds
To dos
- Caverns of Thrumfall -- assumed to be an instance.
Additional Lore information/General knowledge and Insight about the essential names/subjects and locations of Arda related to the update.
- The Grey Mountains are also known as Ered Mithrin in Sindarin; from ered (mountains) + mithrin (grey)