Ironfold Crafting
General Notes
- This page is a summary of the Ironfold Crafting tier, excluding recipes.
- Resource nodes are Ironfold Skarn Deposits, Thornholt Branches and Ironfold Artifact Chests.
- As of U23.1.5 there are no Cook or Farmer resource nodes, although
Pinch of Rare Ironfold Spice and
Pile of Rich Ironfold Soil are found in vaious "lootables" -- Corpses, Backpacks, random Chests, etc. And while there are Ovens for the Cook, there are no Farmlands for the Farmer!
- There are many creatures who drop
Ironfold Hide, and some of the non-hostiles drop two!
Resource Instances
The four resource instances, part of the Grey Mountains Instance Cluster, become available after completing the Quest: The State of the Expedition. They are available from Stráhek the Stout, found on the first level of Skarháld near the Stable-master.
Each of these resource instances contain random resource nodes, though not more than found in the normal instance or on the landscape. However, in all of the resource instances, the quests award one Crafter's Cache, which allow the selection of the specific resource desired for any profession.
- Note that these crafter's caches are all "Bind to Account;" the selected reward is also "Bind to Account;" however, the basic components thus received are not bound and can be freely traded or sold on the Auction House.
What are you Questing for?
The basic Crafter's Cache quest rewards yield components only.
Completion of the wrapper quests, Reclaiming the Grey (see below), are necessary to acquire two of the three additional Crafting components; the Dwarrowmark and the
Dwarrowgleam Shard needed for Bartered Crafting Recipes.
The third extremely rare component, the Dwarf-iron Fragment, is reportedly a rare drop from the actual T1/T2/T3 instances.
One needs to run 20 ( Reclaiming the Grey) Quests to earn a single Dwarrowmark.
Dwarrowgleam Shard
While a single Dwarrowgleam Shards is available as quest reward for the Quest: Reclaiming the Grey in the Resource Instances, they can also be accumulated on Landscape -- via Corpses, backpacks and similar lootables. Both Ironfold Skarn and Thornholt Branches may also drop a shard, but not as frequently as the former.
Quest Progression
- Each of four Resource Dungeons are solo Instances, and contains three (3) basic quests or possibly four (4) if you kill an additional scourge (a fellowship quest).
- The first quest objective is dispensed on entering the dungeon as part of the wrapper-quest ("kill the boss") from Stráhek the Stout; and, typically, two more as you complete your first "kills." There is also a fourth quest possibly available based upon a random encounter with a Scourge in each instance.
- These four quests contribute to 20 you need to progress the Reclaiming the Grey quest chain.
- Therefore, you can do total 4x4=16 or 4x3=12 (no scourges) quests per day.
- Consequently, it takes a couple of days and from 5 to 7 instances total to get one Dwarrowmark.
- Average time to complete an instance is about 30-45 minutes.
- The DAILY resource instance reset: 3:00 a.m. server time
- The Weekly reset for Quest: Reclaiming the Grey (Advanced), and Quest: Reclaiming the Grey (Final): Thursday at 3:00 a.m. server time.
- Note that the Scourges are all Fellowship quests even though they are in solo instances, and they may or may not be present.
- The Quest chain, Reclaiming the Grey, has three stages (detailed below): Quest: Reclaiming the Grey, Quest: Reclaiming the Grey (Advanced), and Quest: Reclaiming the Grey (Final).
- The first two quests reward you with 500
Embers of Enchantment, one
Dwarrowmark and one
Crafter's Rare Cache item, which contains a single
Dwarrowgleam Shard. The third quest, Quest: Reclaiming the Grey (Final), awards you a "Critical Success" item, more readily available on the Landscape, or by crafting, but no additinal Dwarrowmark Shards.
- Reclaiming the Grey - first wrapper quests for all Crafting Instances - 20 Quests
- Awards 500
Embers of Enchantment +
Dwarrowmark +
Crafter's Rare Cache
- Awards 500
- Reclaiming the Grey (Advanced) - 20 Additional Quests (total 40)
- Awards 500
Embers of Enchantment +
Dwarrowmark +
Crafter's Rare Cache
- Awards 500
- Reclaiming the Grey (Final) - 20 Additional Quests (total 60)
- Awards 500
Embers of Enchantment +
Dwarrowmark, +
Crafter's Critical Success Cache and 20
Marks of the Longbeards
- Awards 500
The Resource Instances
- [120] Glimmerdeep: Chaos Reigns - Wrapper quest
- [120] Glimmerdeep: Prized Gemstones - Landscape
- [120] Glimmerdeep: Blood on the Tracks - Landscape
- Thikil-gundu: Deep Inside the Keep - Wrapper quest
The Withered Heath
- Withered Heath: Weathering the Storm - Wrapper quest
- Óinsbridge: Scurrying Spiders - Wrapper quest
- [120] Óinsbridge: Exotic Arms
- [120] Óinsbridge: Infestation
- All of those quests award one
Crafter's Cache and contribute to the Reclaiming the Grey quest count.
Resource Summary by profession
Prospector Resources
Forester Resources
Tailor Resources
Scholar Resources
Farmer Resources
Cook Resources
Jeweller Resources
Dwarrowgleam Shard
- The
Ironfold Crafter's Cache - Metalsmith contains 3
Chunks of Ironfold Skarn and one
- The
Ironfold Crafter's Cache - Metalsmith contains 5
Chunks of Ironfold Skarn.
- The
- The
Ironfold Crafter's Cache - Weaponsmith contains 5
Chunks of Ironfold Skarn.
- The
- The
Ironfold Crafter's Cache - Woodworker contains 5
Logs of Thornholt Wood
- The
All Ironfold Recipes
Ironfold Recipes
| ||
Cook • Farmer • Forester • Jeweller • Metalsmith • Prospector • Scholar • Tailor • Weaponsmith • Woodworker |
All Bartered Ironfold Recipes
- Quartermaster (Dwarf-holds Crafting Rewards) - Require Kindred with Grey Mountains Expedition