Tyrant Trintrû

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Tyrant Trintrû
Faction Creep
Location Tol Ascarnen
Map ref [16.7S, 17.3W]
Race Uruk
Type Combat
Difficulty Arch-nemesis
Level 150
Morale 8,099,190
Power 375,000


Tyrant Trintrû is the Tyrant of Tol Ascarnen when the Army of Angmar holds control of the fortress. He is flanked by four Nemesis chieftains, two on each side of him, in the upstairs main room of the castle.

Target of Quests

Deed Involvement

Tyrant Trintrû is one of the six leaders targeted by the freep deed Tyrants of the Enemy.

Special Abilities

Trintru has more special abilities than any other tyrant.


Trintrû is the most powerful of Angmar's Tyrants. Only the War-tyrant can overpower him. This makes him all the more dangerous to the Free Peoples. A tactical genius, he delights in the taste of Man-flesh, particularly favouring the legs. He does not approve of Taskmaster Raulik's unhealthy addiction to Elf ears, however.



"Hold the centre, lads! Rise up and force these maggots away from here!"
"You maggot! I'll split your skull!"
"You think me stupid! I know your ways and will not fall victim!"
"Pitiful whelp, he didn't stand a chance."
"Run, lads! They have overwhelmed me, fall back!"