Social:Kinships of Vilya
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This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
- Allied Knights
- A Raiding Kinship, our main focus is to provide a comfortable environment to experience the game. We are a Rank 10 kinship, with expert crafters, experienced raiders and class technicians, and are always looking for more players to join our circle of friends. Young or Old, Inexperienced or Veteran, everyone is welcome. A strong kinship, raiding and sieges on strongholds of the enemy - are our main end. Please do not hesitate to contact Ryshia or Filnar in-game for further information. Don't feed the warg.
- Amethyst Coven
- A Kinship of around 60 people mature enivroment populated by experienced MMORPGers (Ultima Online, DC Phantasy Star Online, EQ1 & 2, Anarchy Online, etc), newbie friendly and welcome.
- Angarain Erain
- AE Forums AE on LorebookIron Kings - Rank 10 - no really, we're a laid-back kin that happens to enjoy completing end-game content. We do everything else in-between, including chicken-runs, blind-leaps, book runs, horse races, and we even enjoy mooning the DG Lieutenant. If we sound like a good fit, don't be shy, send us a message.
- Balkansko Oko
- This is full balkanian kinship,we are players from Croatia,Serbia,Bosnia,Crna gora,Macedonia,,Slovenija and all players that are currently on balkan teritory,we are helpfull in all items,armor food,providing our kins easy way to progress in game..So if your balkan player come and join us :))
- Band of Unlikely Heroes - Kinship for mature adults, members on at all hours... US Evenings heaviest saturation. Contact Arumi, Explorer, or any other member to inquire about joining.
- Brandywine Refugees
- A group of friends who are tired of Brandywine crashes and roll-backs. We're only on to have a good time playing the game when the gerbil powered servers are down. If you catch any of us, we'll try our best to make this place a utopia.
- Bree-land United Minerals - A new prospecting conglomerate, run by and employing only human citizens of Bree. Currently looking for founding members: all prospectors welcome, looking for one master weaponsmith and one master metalsmith for executive positions. Other executive positions and numerous mining positions available. Message Kitziera, Tinker, Vilya for information.
- Bricks and Mordor
- A casual helpful kinship for mature members who know how to enjoy Middle Earth in fellowship with others. We were founded within the first week of retail release, and are currently located at 5 Roaring Road, Tonbry, Thorin's Gate Homestead. We accept players regardless of race or level. Our current members have experience across many different MMOs, and have GMs in every profession. This kinship has been disbanded as of May, 2009.
- Captains of Middle Earth
- Also known by the acronymn COME.
A Large rank 10 kinship that has a kinhouse and many active, lvl 65, players willing to help out new and old alike with quests, weapons, items, etc... We hold group quests on weekends and many start missions and quests on the spur of the moment as needed. Open membership, would love to have you join and our main goal is ... HAVE FUN and Help Others suceed so they have fun !
- Children of Illuvatar
- Newfound kinship with mature and helpful people who are just looking for good time. Most members are formerly from Tirn uin Tawar and have moved because of disagreement with their leadership. There is currently no level requirement to enter and everyone is welcomed. We are hiring new members.
- The Communist Party - The Communist Party is an active, well known kinship that has been already established as a tight knit, friendly, group that takes pride in doing things 'a little differently'. We are a generous gathering in all manners of crafting, questing and overall campaigning. It is the Communist Party ideal that all members should be garbed in the finest gear for the level!! We are casual, but we do plan on raiding and doing organized PvMP during the end game. We're growing fast and have a Ventrilo server up right now to keep 'connected' and to better guide you on your quests. We also are working on a member contributed website. **Note** One does not have to be a Communist to join, nor do we as a kinship support totalitarian socialism as practiced by Joesph Stalin and Mao Zedong. We endorse the communist philosophy in the sense that we are fond of not only sharing our assistance and experience, but of holding all members equal. We look forward to celebrating YOU at every level. So, come on...we think RED is really your color....
- Cool Horses Alliance Also known by the acronymn CHA. CHA is a relative new (and still small) kinship (R7) which was started by LOTRO players of the Pokemon Universe forum, but is now open for European and USA players. It's main focus is on having fun and helping each other out with quests, crafting and more... The membership is open and we'd love to have you join.
- Covenant of the Sword - A large kinship on Vilya of over 200+, ran by a group of experienced multi mmorpg players.
- Crown of Creation - Crown of Creation, Founded 2.9.2011. A new kinship that is big on sharing leadership and having democratic guild votes for officer promotions and the like. Seeking to build a community kin that growns rapidly and has strong moral bonds of family, helpfulness and equality.
- English: - Hello everybody who are the Czechs and Slovaks. We are a kinship of rank 10 founded approximately in 2010 on Vilya server. We currently have about 50 actively playing members (Czechs and Slovaks), of which about 20 characters are level 75 and more being added. If you're looking CZECHOSLOVAK speaking guild willing to help with everything the game offers and if you are Czech or Slovak, do not hesitate to send the application to our kinship. Ask primarily characters: Aranthorion, Arelien, Bleckdeamon, Daimonos, Lidberta, Saggnara, Sinthoras or any other member of the Czech Division you meet.
- Česky: - Zdravím všechny, kdož jsou Češi a Slováci. Jsme kinship hodnosti 10 založený přibližně roku 2010 na serveru Vilya. V současnosti máme asi 50 aktivně hrajících členů (Češi a Slováci), z nichž asi 20 charakterů jsou level 75 a další neustále přibývají. Pokud hledáš československy mluvící guildu ochotnou pomoct se vším, co hra nabízí a jsi Čech nebo Slovák, neváhej poslat přihlášku k nám do kinshipu. Primárně žádej charaktery: Aranthorion, Arelien, Bleckdeamon, Daimonos, Lidberta, Saggnara, Sinthoras nebo kteréhokoliv jiného člena České Divize, kterého potkáš.
- Depart to the Grey Havens - A newly founded kinship, there are only 13 members. This guild prefers taking it slow instead of rushing through the game. There are 3 officers: Pendorian:founder, Hiriena, Legolond. Most are veterans of WoW.
- Descendants of War
- DoW is a "fun" friendly kinship that welcomes team-oriented folks. We are casual players with the goal of enjoying the full content of the game. Enjoy the sites and sounds.
- The Eternal Guardians - A tight knit group of real life and in-game friends. They are planning on doing end-game raiding and being one of the top guilds on Vilya. Visit the site for more information and post under the "Recruitment" Forums if you wish to join.
- Evenstar
- One of the first kinships on Vilya. We started in open beta and have grown from a small group of players risking life and limb to reach Rivendell, to one that can take on the Rift. Our group is for older players (30+ years of age) and designed for the casual player. Come visit our website to learn more about us. You can also find us on the official LOTRO Lorebook site.
- Exiles - A kinship of mature players. A new kinship with a small core of active players.
- The Family
- One of the larger kinships of Vilya, albeit a very casual one, who's mission is to enjoy the full content of the game. We are comprised of helpful and friendly team-oriented members who are dedicated to mutual support in crafting, quests, and exploring.
- The Estate of Tahlib Salaam
- Rank 10 Private Kinship | The Estate of Tahlib Salaam was established in Summer 2013 in an attempt to acquire the most sought-after artifacts and lore of Middle-Earth. It's primary focus is to remove the shroud and veil of the most unobtainable relics, coveted knowledge and secluded locations held in LOTRO. The Estate itself is a large Kinship House and an attached Deluxe House situated in the Fanwater neighborhood of the Bree-Land Homesteads.
- Forsaken Fools - The Forsaken Fools are a traveling band of strange merry-fellows who hold companionship and humour in high regard; a troupe known as much for the sharpness of their wits as they are for the cut of their blades. The 'Fools' come from all walks of life, accept all races of the Free Peoples, all classes, and craftsmen of every hue. To the 'Fools', the journey itself is worth more than the destination. Raiding parties, at the moment, are rare (but not extinct!), but social fellowships abound for those seeking to conquer wondrous deeds and yearn for the accolades of quests completed! If you have ever felt out of place in a former (or current) kinship, if you're tired of the politics and in-fighting, if you just want to play with people who love Middle-Earth for its history and beauty, if nobody else seems to understand your brand of humour ... look no further. Chances are you've always been a Forsaken Fool. Journey with us!
- Followers of Andronicus - The Followers of Andronicus is a growing kinship made by veteran players who are new to vilya, we are dedicated to helping each other on quests, raids, skirmishes,deeds, and sometimes we just like messing around doing some fun antics every now and again, we do some minor roleplaying, but are mostly PvE and raiding as of now. We accept any Race, Class, and Level. We aren't strict and like to fool around, *NOTE some chat conversations we have are not for players under 16
- The Guides of Middle Earth
- Rank 10 | The Guides of Middle Earth is one of the oldest exisiting Kinship's on the Vilya Server. We have a large number of active members and master crafters. We offer a very open, helpful and casual environment for any player, beginner to advanced. This is a great place to be without feeling isolated or out of place. We are here to help you and to guide you as much as possible, whether it be questing in Moria or the Summer 2013 Festival. Send an IM/Mail to any active member to join, we'll get you in.
- Heirs of Elendil We are a rank 10 Kinship founded in 2007. We accept all races, classes, have our own vent, are here to help one another, have fun, raid and enjoy middle earth. (Lord)Tegen, (Successor)Minolas
- The Holy Order
- The Holy Order was originally founded by the mighty dwarf, Maxum, at the beginning of LOTRO and grew to a family of over 300 members but then slowly was lost to time. Now, two former officers have brought it back! Join us in rebuilding this once proud kinship. Search out Calagon, Peebs, or Baledin and request an invite. We are casual and helpful gamers who look out for their own. Enjoying the game with friends is our most important concept. We look forward to you joining us and fulfilling the quests of Middle Earth!
- Horselords of the Riddermark
- A kindship dedicated to the riders of rohan. The group accepts players of all races, anyone who is a congenial player who wants to have some fun.
- It Is Not This Day
- is a rank 7 kinship modeled after the original fellowship in LOTR, based on the four principles of loyalty, respect, integrity and friendship. We are dedicated to helping new players and each other lvl up and learn as we grow together in strength and knowledge. If interested and active, tell Crisdinga, Meltithenniel or OhMyGosh. You are welcome to give us a trial run and see if we are not different than other kins.
- Knights of Numenor - The Knights of Numenor is a competitive, efficient, exclusive, and mature MMO gaming group. We are devoted to making everyone's gaming experience as rewarding, engrossing, and ultimately as enjoyable as it can possibly be. KoN likes to take advantage of every facet of a game including; PvE, PvP, role playing, and raiding. We have a nice mature based roster with amazing members! We are generally a laid back easy going group that listens to everyones opinions and concerns and does what is best for the group.
- Knights of Valour (kov)
- A Rank 10 kinship with over 1400 active members (all members agree to play at least once every 10 days, with 900 active in the last 30 days). The KoV kinship is dedicated to helping each other, so hundreds of trades are made on a daily basis to help support your game needs (no selling items to other knights allowed)! Continuously looking for dedicated and helpful kin members. Any level may apply. This is one of the largest active kinships on Vilya. We have our own voice (Vent and Teamspeak) servers and over 22 chests full of items to share amongst our membership. Knights of Valour raids constantly, including BG, DN, runs Carn Dum, Urugarth, the Rift, the Turtle, and the watcher on a regular basis. Can you be valourious? If so, join the Knights of Valour on the Vilya Server. As you walk through Vilya just ask any Knight you see which officers are online to help you join; we are everywhere!
- Last Alliance
- A casual kinship, comprised of players of all levels, races, classes, and gamer levels. There are over 75+ active members, ranging from the very laid back, to the gamers focused on end-game content (Raids, Radiance Runs etc). Last Alliance recruits year-round.
- The Lone Wolves
- A small rank 10 kinship, but always open to new members. We focus on solo players who wish to avoid being dependent, but wish for a family all the same. Everyone is always free to ask for help if you find yourself in trouble. We also freely share all crafting materials and products. For more info, or to join, contact Tamarrak, Wrathburn or Khazzir.
- Lords of Rivendell - A mature kinship willing to help out its fellow dwarf, hobbit, elf or man. Many of the players have played multiple MMORPG's and are experienced players.
- Lost Alliance
- We passed our 4 year mark in the summer of 2013. We are still active and assisting kinmembers and strangers alike. We don't recruit blindly with messages filling regional chat. We are casual and don't even require members to participate on our forum (but like it when they do). This one is about fun, and family, and friendship... and LOTR.
- The Mellowship - A kinship of relaxed players that likes talking as much as questing and crafting. We do a bunch of supply sharing and have many high level characters with high tier crafting abilities. Being chill is the only requirement ;)
- NeoCetra - NeoCetra is an online community focused on close relationships and a strong sense of association. We value fun and community over size, and strive for a dynamic and enjoyable group. Our LOTRO activity focuses on a helpful, friendly atmosphere supported by our message board. We are Rank 8 and have a small roster, but are always happy to welcome new members. We look forward to your visit!
- Social: Of Ale and Pink Oliphaunts - The Olies as we call ourselves, is a rank 10 social/family type kinship of helpful fun people. Whether your a newbie or seasoned player we welcome all to come go on adventure with us through Middle Earth. Drama Queens and Kings need not apply. Send a tell to any of the Olies you see for invite. Leader: Fireryle
- Path of the Broken Fellowship - A Fledgling kinship dedicated to mutual support in crafting, quests, and exploring. Continuously looking for more dedicated and helpful members.
- Protectors of the White Tree - An exclusive Kinship comprised of a group of friends loyal to the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. Honest, friendly and always looking to help out.
- Rangers of Evendim
- Also known as RoE.
A rank 10 kinship Established in 2007. Actively recruiting and looking for players of all levels and classes to add to our international member base, we are a helpful and friendly Kin with a wealth of knowledge.
Kin leader Galimdras. Recruiting Officers Audora & Ursurien (or just talk to any RoE member you see, we are always willing to help, even if you don't want to join our family)
Or find us at our website >>HERE<<
- Royal Vindicators - A small group that sometimes works together. If you are tired of being asked to join a Kinship, we were too. Contact Argra if interested.
- Samurai Soldiers
- A great group of helpful and friendly players. Currently we have 400+ active members and are always looking to recruit more like minded players. If interested in joining send in-game mail to Scessa.
- Silverkeep
- Founded on June 19th 2011, we are a community kin with active raiders, crafters, festival goers and pvmpers and have a healthy core of long term players. We try to maintain a ratio of 1 to 20 for Officer to regular members, and officers are nominated and elected by our kin members. We have fun events like kin parties, fishing trips, chicken runs and deed hunts. Exploding on to the scene in June/July 2011, we have maintained a healthy core of regular players. Silverkeep is a family friendly international kinship with the majority of our players from all over North America and Europe. We are small enough to feel intimate, big enough to do creative things and ultimately raid.
- Soldiers of the Isles
- Soldiers of the Isles is a strong kinship that is currently recruiting. We are a rank 7 Kin that offers a relaxed community and provide quality mature members. If you are looking for a new friend, items or help, then ask the next SOTI member you see. Kin raids, hide n' seek games, riddles and more activities you can participate in in SOTI. We are a global wide active kin, with more than 30+ on 24/7. We will continue to grow with the help of each INDIVIDUAL member, We can provide ANYTHING you need, We will make sure that you are COMFORTABLE in our army. Join today because the Isles wants YOU as their new soldier.
- Sons of Northern Darkness - A rank 10 kinship calling upon all mighty free peoples to sound their battle horns and ride with us against Angmar's armies. We're a casual kinship with helpful members that are interested in questing, crafting and just having fun. All levels and classes are welcome so feel free to try us out. Send tell to Zyklon (Leader), Hrothgir, Amythra, or Elesariel for an invitation. \m/
- Southern Comfort - A rank 10 kinship with a large group of really good people. SoCo is a casual kin with occasional raiding. Priority number one in SoCo is helping its members.
- Southern Cross
- A medium sized, Rank 7 predominantly Aussie & Kiwi guild, has the stipulation that you must have a sense of humour to join. Failure in this may result in offence at the hand of any of our members, to our officers and even leader! It must be said though, that we are not so outrageous that we ever isolate any of our players- we have a wide range of ages and personalities in our guild, but we all share the love of a good laugh, and of helping our fellow kin. Weekly raids have just begun for those who desire to partake, and all are always willing to help lower levelled chars in their endeavours.
- Thorin's Vanguard
- A small, friendly and multi-national kin. Our only rule is that all kinmembers treat each other with kindness and respect :) We have been active since September 2008. Our kinhouse is located in Ulfirth, Thorin's Hall Homesteads. If interested in joining our kin, please visit our website or contact us in game via the world channel.
- Tirn uin Tawar: Watchers of the Great-Wood - Founding Kinship of Vilya, Role-play friendly, Mature, Very Active and Helpful Kinship, over 150 members strong, Website/Forums, In-game contact Sillas or Jeffriwu. Huge support for your Questing, Crafting and Raid needs. We also do Monster Play.
- United Races
- This Kin is one of the first on the server and celebrating its anniversary on the 4th of June... 4 years and running. We have a strong since of togetherness and family. UR has high beliefs in helping each player with quest and crafting, but also making it enjoyable for all.
- Untouchables
- Untouchables is a mature (19 years old and above only), fun-loving kin with emphasis on end-game content like BG, Uru, CD, Annuminas, etc with several crafting GMs. We are interested in all levels and classes and help equip committed members with armor, jewellry, and crafting. Ventrilo is required at higher levels. In-game contact is Basilone, Vardok, Illenia or Pollee. Monster Kin is Untouchable.
- Social:Wards of Eriador- A small but growing rank 10 Kinship for fun, relaxed players looking for cool people who want to have a good time playing one of the best games ever created. We have plenty of resources, and several high leveled players.
- Warriors Against the Darkness - warriors against the darkness we are small but we have big intentions we are open to all levels and races. Im going to try and keep a calender that is quite updated, we have a spam area, events are negotiable we will have an event every week, and we are active. You can go to our site to apply or other kins may come to our site to set up a alliance between our kins (if thats the case you can message me on the site and i will make you a special rank telling where you come from.)
- Warriors of the West
Founded:03/10/2009 Is an experienced Kinship Looking for player of all levels to come join our family away from family. We have around 380 mature members but are looking forward to expanding. Hope to Welcome you soon, your #1 Minstrel...Heartbeat (Side note, still active as of July 2012)
- The Watchers of Arnor - A friendly group of casual to moderate players aimed at building a good community; as such we try to offer help in questing or crafting whenever possible. We're role-play friendly and try our best to ensure that we only accept kind-hearted people.
- The Winged Hussars
- Friendly, always open, but small, 100% Polish kinship created to honor brave Polish Winged Hussars, unbeaten since found to disband. We are offering help in crafting, questing and world exploration, Taking part in many raids and runs.
- 'Whisperers of Hope'
- We are a family, social kin. Run by my wife Jezzabelle and I. We have a WEB site, a Kin house and an Event Calendar for kin activities.
We are made up of players of all levels and classes, including F2P. We ask 3 main rules - there are other rules you will see on the web site. 1) No foul or sexual language in the general kin chat window. EVER. 2) Be respectful of your fellow kin mates at all times. NO DRAMA. 3) Do not freeload