Social:Lost Alliance

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(from our forum)

A wise hobbit once said...

Think not of what your kin can do for you, but what you can do for your kin as when we pull together, inadvertently we achieve our goals harmoniously. - Thornshadow Tangleroot

This is how we began and how we will conduct ourselves beyond the realm of Middle Earth. This is the central core value of The Lost Alliance, and our desire is that our charter reflects this value.

  1. Guiding Principle: First and foremost, treat others as you would wish to be treated. This applies to all those who dwell in the world, not just members of Lost Alliance. Interact with your guild / kinmates whenever possible. Joining in groups, crafting together, chatting, and using the forums are all great ways to stay connected.
  2. Membership: All members will be asked to complete an application via this site. Members invited in-game will be required to apply via this site prior to being promoted to full-member status. There will be a 2-week probationary period prior to being promoted to full-member status. Minimum Age: 15 years. Exceptions to the minimum age may occur for extenuating circumstances. Examples include a parent in the guild/kin who wishes to have their child in the same group. At the end of your 2-week probationary period, you will be evaluated for full-member status. To receive full-member status you must have registered on the forums and all characters must be identified with a player note as to who they belong to. This is intended to help protect guild and kinship resources in case your account is stolen.
  3. Funds and Resources: Rather than requiring monthly dues, we will instead hold regular fundraising activities. These activities will range from lottos and bake sales to senseless mob killing as a group for coin. Guild / kin storage containers will be utilized for crafting ingredients, class quest items, and other frequently requested resources. All members will be granted permissions to access the containers after the completion of the probationary period. If it is found that the resources are not being used as intended (to promote the advancement and well-being of members), access to the chests will be revoked. Due to storage limitations, the auction house will be utilized for selected vault items as deemed necessary by officers. The purchasing of these items to sell for profit by members is strictly prohibited, and may result in revocation of access. Members are encouraged to use group sale methods to make available to other guild / kin members rarer items and crafted items. A guild / kinmate discount is encouraged but never required.
  4. Leadership: The size and structure of our leadership will fluctuate to meet the needs of the group. Officers will be selected and promoted as needed to support the activities and well-being of the all of Lost Alliance. Officers will be expected to host one activity per rotation.
  5. Grievances: Should anything occur that offends you, or otherwise causes discontent / dissatisfaction within the group, members are encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of an officer. Only problems that we are aware of can be addressed resolutely and in a timely manner. For any conflict, we ask that you bring your concern immediately to an officer. They will partner with you to seek resolution. If one cannot be found that satisfies all parties, the issue will then be brought before Nestowyn. For issues involving the behavior or conduct of an officer, please contact Nestowyn directly. If she is unavailable, send a message that you need to speak with her urgently. She will partner with you to find a fair resolution. These are delicate situations, and have the potential to make everyone a little uncomfortable. But we are here to help. All grievances will be handled with confidentiality to protect everyone involved.


Remember, in the end it is about the memories we will share as a result of our adventures. Our adventures are what will bring us closer together. And the combination of our memories and our adventures are what will weave the intricate story that makes us who we are.... LOST ALLIANCE

About us

Lost Alliance is a casual kinship. That is a phrase that gets tossed around quite a bit. For us it means that there are little to no demands placed on the players within the kinship. We appreciate players using our kinship forums, but don't require that they do once they have signed up there. We encourage group activities, but don't base whether or not kinmembers are allowed to remain in the kinship on which people show up or participate if they are online at the time. Our officers assist whenever possible and take their crafting seriously. We encourage others to do so as well, but have no problems being the major suppliers of crafted goods within the kinship. We are a mix of Lifers, VIPs, and F2Pers.

We celebrated our 4th birthday in the summer of 2013.

Our only real restriction, is that we are a mature group. We don't tolerate those individuals who only wish to make others work hard for them all the time. Players who have a hand out all the time and never even make an effort to return the favor... they find they are not made to feel as if they are part of the family. However, this rarely presents an issue since we do not recruit blindly. We don't spam up the regional chat channels with long messages promising the same things as every other kinship. Our ranks are small, because we get to know one another. We feel that rather than have a large group of people who are made up of smaller cliques at different levels of satisfaction, we would prefer to be a single family all having smaller conversations. We've all seen what happens when a kinship gets very large, filled with individuals who don't all have similar goals. We actively work to avoid this.

Our Kinleader, Nestowyn, logs in almost every day, and keeps a large selection of characters for storing goodies for all our other players. Many of the officers share their housing storage with the kinship, and we all handle requests with a serious smile.