Quest:Wolves at the Neck

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Wolves at the Neck
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Eryn Asgath
Start Region Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [59.9S, 64.7W]
Ends with Remote Advance
Quest Group Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

To the south-east of the Hill of Erech, you have discovered the wolf den of Eryn Asgath. Whether these wolves crept in from Lamedon or some hidden refuge in the hills, their presence in the vale has posed a continued threat to the hamlet of Lancrath and to all who would seek to travel the road through Tarlang's Neck.

You should defeat wolves in Eryn Asgath to aid the people of Lancrath and make safe the road through Tarlang's Neck.


Much to the dismay of the people of Lancrath, a pack of wolves has made a den in the woodlands near Tarlang's Neck.

Objective 1

Wolves can be found in Eryn Asgath near Tarlang's Neck in the Blackroot Vale.

You have discovered the den of the wolves that recently invaded the Blackroot Vale. You should defeat them and make safe the road through Tarlang's Neck.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated a number of wolves at Eryn Asgath.

You have defeated a number of wolves at Eryn Asgath and made safe the road through Tarlang's Neck. Through your efforts, you have eased the fears of the good people of Lancrath and they will rest more soundly knowing that wolves do not stalk the vale eo near to their homes in the night.