Quest:The Dead That Linger

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The Dead and the Living
Level 142
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Fennas Dûr
Start Region Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [53.6S, 67.0W]
Ends with Remote Advance
Quest Group Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Although King Elessar deemed that many of the Dead Men of Dunharrow fulfilled their oaths by defeating Balakhôr the Scourge and the Corsairs of Umbar at Pelargir, the unrepentant among them still haunt Fennas Dûr, the southernmost entrance to the Paths of the Dead.

It was whispered that one among them named Drugât sued for some measure of peace during the War of the Ring, but none in Gondor have seen him since this pronouncement, and others of his kind do not seem so eager to put aside their betrayals and old hatreds. The Ruthless Dead remain a threat to the people of the Blackroot Vale, and though they cannot be truly banished, they can be hindered.

You should defeat the Dead at Fennas Dûr.


Despite the hope that they would fade after the Dead Men of Dunharrow fulfilled their oaths at Pelargir, the Ruthless Dead continue to trouble the people of the Blackroot Vale.

Objective 1

The Ruthless Dead can be found at Fennas Dûr in the Blackroot Vale.

You have discovered the Ruthless Dead at Fennas Dûr. You should defeat or inconvenience them and keep safe the people of the Blackroot Vale.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated many of the Ruthless Dead at Fennas Dûr.

You have defeated a number of the Ruthless Dead at Fennas Dûr. Although you cannot truly banish them, perhaps it will be some time before they trouble the people of the Blackroot Vale again.