Quest:Unlikely Friends

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Unlikely Friends
Level 23
Type Solo
Starts with Rendal
Starts at Gaervarad
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [53.8S, 53.3W]
Ends with Rendal
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There must be several of these captains walking around, but defeating just a few will send enough of a message. Between the two of us, that shouldn't be too difficult.

'I'll let you decide how you want to approach this. When you are ready, let me know.'


Watcyn needs all the help he can get.

Objective 1

Let Rendal know when you're ready to enter Gaervarad.

He waits for you outside.

Rendal: 'Whether or not you need my aid -- should you use this whistle, I'll be there.'

Objective 2

  • Defeat Gaervarad captains (0/3)
  • Use the whistle to summon Rendal to your side

Rendal believes that defeating a few captains will cause them to have second doubts about hunting down deserters.

You should defeat captains around Gaervarad.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Rendal
  • Use the whistle in Gaervarad to summon Rendal

You have defeated enough captains.

You should speak with Rendal. Use the whistle in Gaervarad to summon Rendal to your side.

Rendal: 'A new start for Watcyn is now possible. I only hope he realizes that there is more to life than just survival -- perhaps with my help, if he is willing.
'Thank you, <name>. You have a good heart; don't let the world take that away.'