Quest:The Plight of Rauniel

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The Plight of Rauniel
Level 123
Type Solo
Starts with Rauniel
Starts at Rath Dúath
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [66.9S, 6.8E]
Ends with Rauniel
Ends at Rath Dúath
End Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [66.1S, 6.8E]
Quest Group Imlad Morgul: Rath Dúath
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Rauniel: 'Noble <race>, there is but one more ward on the far side of the bridge. The urn you seek has been recently taken by merrevail, but they know nothing of the urn's significance. Scale the eastern peak and retrieve the final urn. We have come this far, have we not? I have no one else to assist in my freedom. You must seek out the final urn.'


Rauniel, the maiden of the Ithilduin, needs your assistance in destroying the wards that block her escape from a treacherous prison.

Objective 1

The urn Rauniel seeks can be found at Shakam Moz in the hills of eastern Rath Dúath.

You should retrieve the urn for Rauniel.

FOREBODING URN "Indiscernible whispers emanate from the urn."

Objective 2

The final vessel can be found upon the bridge to Eithel Gwaur in Rath Dúath.

You should pour water into the vessel for Rauniel.

FOREBODING VESSEL "When you look at the vessel directly, your vision begins to cloud."

Objective 3

Rauniel can be found upon the bridge to Eithel Gwaur in Rath Dúath.

You should talk to Rauniel.

Rauniel: 'Again you are successful? I did not think you possessed such resolve, fair <class>. I am glad you are the one to rescue me. Still, there is more to be done before I am able to escape my bonds.'