Quest:Shakam Moz: Beating Wings

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Shakam Moz: Beating Wings
Level 123
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Shakam Moz
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [66.3S, 8.5E]
Quest Group Imlad Morgul: Rath Dúath
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

High above, Lhaereth's forces control the peak that looks over both the Rath Dúath and Lhingris. The steep mountain path is crawling with winged folk who serve Lhaereth the Stained. They should be dealt with if the Rath Dúath is ever to once again be a safe place to travel.


High above Imlad Morgul, in an outpost secured by Lhaereth the Stained, merrevail and mervyl watch over the pass to Minas Morgul, consuming all who cross their path.

Objective 1

  • Defeat merrevail and mervyl (0/14)
  • Defeat Ugurzhik

Merrevail and mervyl can be found at Shakam Moz in Rath Dúath.

You should defeat winged folk at Shakam Moz.

Objective 2

  • Completed

Defeated many members of Lhaereth's host at Shakam Moz.

You defeated Lhaereth's forces at Shakam Moz, helping to provide safety to those who fight on behalf of Gondor in the Morgul Vale.