Quest:Bounty: Wargs in Rath Dúath

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Bounty: Wargs in Rath Dúath
Level 123
Type Solo
Starts with Bounty Board
Starts at Estolad Lân
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [64.7S, 1.9W]
Quest Group Imlad Morgul: Rath Dúath
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The bounty notice reads:

'Where once there was a single large warg pack prowling the forests near Rath Dúath, something has changed, and several wargs have broken off to lead their own, smaller packs. These are unafraid to challenge folk on the road, and they can cover a greater distance than before.

'Hunt these packs and teach them we will not run from them. We will fight!'


A bounty notice asks you to hunt wargs across Rath Dúath.

Objective 1

Warg packs can be found in Rath Dúath.

You should defeat pack leaders and pack wargs.

Objective 2

  • Completed

Defeated warg packs.

Your reminded the warg packs that threaten folk travelling through Rath Dúath that theirs is not the only strength in the valley.