Quest:The Growing Might of Gundabad

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The Growing Might of Gundabad
Level 120
Type Solo
Starts with Gwaihir
Starts at The Eyrie
Start Region Vales of Anduin
Map Ref [14.8N, 61.1W]
Quest Group Vales of Anduin: Beorning-lands
Quest Chain Through the Vale
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You speak of Grimbeorn, and not out of hand, for you know I hold him in high regard. So too did I respect his sire Beorn. The tale of his great deeds carries on, though he is dead these past few years. His people mourn him, but more than that they protect the lands that were his, and that is memorial enough. He would have thought so too, I deem.

[Beornings: 'Indeed, I see some of Beorn's light in you. You are small, when measured against my own kind, but the ferocity of your people gives the lie to your size.] [non Beornings: 'Now the Beornings have sent you to me, <race>.] I will hear your request and perhaps favour this pact, but speak first to Landroval and to Meneldor. They will judge you accordingly.'


Gwaihir the Wind-lord can see all that transpires in the Vales of Anduin.

Objective 1

Landroval can be found at the Eyrie.

You should be polite to Landroval.

You bow deeply before Landroval.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Landroval

Landroval can be found at the Eyrie.

You should talk to Landroval.

Landroval: 'It is good to see you again, <name>. I have not forgotten the assistance you provided to me in the Wailing Hills that lay near the Great River.
'I have seen goblins and many ill-hearted beasts on this side of the Misty Mountains. Some of them creep out of Goblin-town, but from where the others hail I cannot say with any certainty.'

Objective 3

Meneldor can be found at the Eyrie.

You should be polite to Meneldor.

You bow deeply before Meneldor.

Objective 4

  • Talk to Meneldor

Meneldor can be found at the Eyrie.

You should talk to Meneldor.

Meneldor: 'Did you not say we would meet again after we departed in the Wailing Hills? It is pleasing to me that it has turned out to be true.
'But not all is good along the banks of the Anduin, for trouble brews to the north. I speak to you of the fortress called Gundabad, which has become home to many Orcs and winged drakes. It is a refuge of evil, but that evil does not stay there; it roams far afield and is a danger even to these lands.'

Objective 5

  • Look at the lands to the north
  • Look at the lands to the east
  • Look at the lands to the south

The Eyrie can be reached from the Carrock in the Beorning-lands.

You should look out over the Eyrie at the lands below.

This is a good place to survey the lands to the north
You peer into the distance.
Silent wisps of smoke from distant machines billow above the foothills
This is a good place to survey the lands to the east
You peer into the distance.
All is peaceful in the Beorning-lands
This is a good place to survey the lands to the south
You peer into the distance.
There is conflict to the south and the hills faintly tremble

Objective 6

Gwaihir the Wind-lord can be found at the Eyrie.

You should talk to Gwaihir.

Gwaihir: 'The several conflicts that embroil the lands hereabout are clear even to those who do not possess the eyes of my kind, <name>. Neither the woods nor the mountains are safe, and the people who dwell in the vales between will suffer if nothing is done.
'I cannot overextend my reach or exceed my wingspan in this, <name>. But I will keep an ever-watchful eye upon these lands. If I see aught that threatens, I will warn those below of the danger with a call that will echo in the valleys. That way much harm may be avoided.'